
Computation of the explored zone by a boat robot and optimization of the path using intervals.

Primary LanguageC++


Explored Zone

This project is an attempt on computing the guaranteed explored zone in a robotic mission, using the uncertainties on the robot’s position and orientation.



The project has a specific structure for working, as shown bellow. The most important detail missing in this repository is the data folder, which may contain the acquisitions from experiments.

Example structure:

├── data
│   ├── bags
│   ├── extracted
│   └── images
├── py
│   ├── data
│   ├── src
│   └── test
├── reference
│   ├── magmap
│   ├── paper_guaranteed_aprox_zone
│   └── paper_thick_set_inversion
└── src
    ├── ctrl
    ├── extract_from_bag
    ├── hardware_link
    ├── mark_wp
    ├── remote_control
    ├── replay_traj
    ├── robot
    ├── serial
    ├── simulation
    ├── thickset_impl
    ├── visualisation_zone
    ├── viz_intervals
    └── wayfinder_ros

26 directories


First install the following dependencies:

  • cnpy: library for loading .npz numpy arrays in c++, letting us ignore ROS during testing
  • proj: library for transforming projection coordinate systems
  • codac: library for interval analysis computations and visualization
