
Sublime syntax highlighting and utilities

Primary LanguagePython

bis-sublime plugin


Please make sure you follow the installation intstructions first.

Add remote repository

Follow the commands below to get the syntax files and utilities configured:

Install package

  • Type the followinng commands: ctrl + shift + p

  • Then pcip

  • Then select bis-sublime from the list

  • Hit enter

Some Useful Commands

Comment/un-comment line: ctrl + /

Help: ctrl + shift + h

(Highlight the word/command that you want help with, works for MAPPER commands and html tags)

Template Helper: ctrl + shift + .

(This will automatically wrap your variables with <% <var>(p) %>)

Tab conversion

Tabs don't work well in most text editors so they need to be converted to character ¬ (CHR$254)

To Enable Color Scheme

Preferences -> Color Scheme -> bis-sublime -> BisColorScheme