pipenv --python 3.7
pipenv shell (everyday you run your project)
pipenv install django==2.2.2 django-admin startproject news_portal .
To run project:
python manage.py runserver
To see all the cammand for manage.py:
python manage.py
To start new app in django python manage.py startapp news
######################### GIT commands ##########################
#create new branch:
git branch branch_name
#To switch into any branch
git checkout template-setup
#Create new branch and checkout into it.
git checkout -b template-setup
git branch -D template-setup
#if you have created a new file you need to track it. For this run following command:
git add .
git commit -m "you commit message"
git commit -am "create models for news"
#DB realated commands when you make or update models, run following command:
python manage.py makemigrations
#To migrate models into physical database run following command:
python manage.py migrate
#To see the generated queries: if 0001_initial.py is my migration file in news app then run following command:
python manage.py sqlmigrate news 0001
pipenv install Pillow
#create superuser in django
python manage.py createsuperuser