This is a simple web app that takes in a Twitter screen name and outputs a json graph data structure. Such a data structure could be consumed by D3 or another visualization framework or queried for relationship information. JSON structure modeled after example code here: Limitations: - The project agressively throttles use to not run up against Twitter API rate limiting. - Only the first degree of relationships are calculated. Experimental code is included (TwitterClient::TwitterApi#friends_friendships) but not used, due to complexity and rate-limiting. - App-developer account only authentication to the Twitter API. So it's not safe for more than 1 user at a given time. Adding support for individual user via oauth would mitigate to some extent. - Cursors are ignored, so large friendship sets are truncated to the limit of a single query. Developed and tested on a 2014 MBP running ruby 2.2.6p396. Browser-tested in Chrome. ------ :: Instructions:: Below assumes context of project directory. Copy config.yml.example to config.yml and fill in Twitter API creds Gems managed through bundler, so to get started: $ bundle install To run locally, run: $ thin -r start To run unit tests, run: $ rake spec