Since people seem to be following this I should say that I'm not working on it right now because I'm doing some stuff with R. It would be great if someone picked up where I left off. If not I do plan to finish, just not yet.

Project running at

D3 With Svelte

Based on Curran Kelleher's excellent Series using D3 with React.

Project data resources

Missing Migrants Project

Simplemaps World Cities Database

UN World Population Prospects

Data Canvas: Sense Your City

Curran's Sense Your City Data

Natural Earth TopoJSON

unpkg world-atlas

Tech Resources

Sunlight Foundation Data Visualization Style Guide


Finding Visualizations

Reuters Graphics

The Upshot (NYT)

The Pudding



Data Is Beautiful (Reddit)

Information is Beautiful

Information is Beautiful Awards

Graphic Detail (The Economist)

#dataviz (Twitter)

Data Visualization Society (twitter)

Our World in Data


Blockbuilder Search (obsereablehq)


Existing Resources

Johns Hopkins CV Dataset

Johns Hopkins Github

Our World in Data CV Visualizations

Our World in Data Github

Financial Times

Information is Beautiful Visualizations

Information is Beautiful CV Dataset