
Methods for encoding and decoding hexadecimal strings in Swift.

Primary LanguageSwift


Small zero-dependency Swift package that extends Data from Foundation with methods for converting to and from hexadecimal/Base16 representation.

The implementation is simple, performant, well tested, and ready for production use.

All platforms are supported without version restriction.


The library extends the standard Data type with the following members:

  • Data(hex:) initializer: Parse Data from hex string or throw error if it's invalid.
  • Data.hex property: Encode Data object into a hex string.


For consistency with the existing support for Base64, the following aliases are included as well:

  • Data(base16Encoded:) initializer: Same as Data(hex:) except that it will return nil on invalid input instead of throwing an error.
  • Data.base16EncodedString() method: Same as the Data.hex.


To use the library in a SwiftPM project, add it as a package dependency and include it into the appropriate target in Package.swift:

// ...
let package = Package(
    // ...,
    dependencies: [
        // ...,
        .package(url: "https://github.com/bisgardo/Hextension.git", from: "1.0.0"),
    targets: [
            // ...,
            dependencies: [
                // ...,
        // ...

The extension is now enabled by importing the package

import Hextension

Note that it's sufficient to import the package in just a single source file of the project. So it might make sense to only do so in a special file like Hextension.swift or Extensions/Data+Hex.swift which contains just this import.