
Annotation processor for compile-time checking utility types.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Annotility is a simple annotation processor that extends the Java compiler by providing compile time errors if types annotated as @annotility.Utility fail to conform to the following recursive definition of being a utility type:

  1. All the type's fields are static and final.

  2. All the type's methods are static (i.e. they are functions).

  3. All the type's nested/inner types conform to being utility types.

  4. All interfaces implemented by the type conform to being utility types.

  5. If the type is a class and its superclass is not java.lang.Object, this superclass conforms to being a utility type.

Note that although all fields and methods of interfaces automatically conform to these rules, they might contain nested types deeper down that don't. Interfaces are therefore not automatically utility types as defined above.