
Example SwiftUI-based iOS app for showcasing the issue that referencing binding state in a nested sheet crashes the app.

Primary LanguageSwift


Minimal example app for showcasing a crash issue discussed on StackOverflow triggered by the usage pattern described below.

The app simply allows the user to add a list of text items that the user can edit in a sheet component. The items are stored in an array in a struct model stored as @State in the App struct at the root of the app. A button in the bottom of the screen creates a new item. The crash occurs if we attempt to make the sheet open the newly created item automatically.

The attempted solution stores a binding (to make the item editable) to the newly created item in a @State variable (to make it mutable) of the view. The variable is optional as the sheet is open iff the value is non-nil.

Setting this binding in response to clicking on an existing item works without issues. But setting it to an item that has just been created (line 25; commented out on main) causes the debugger to break on the @main annotation with the error

Thread 1: Fatal error: Index out of range

The log contains the following:

Binding<Item>(transaction: SwiftUI.Transaction(plist: []), location: SwiftUI.LocationBox<SwiftUI.FunctionalLocation<swiftui_binding_issue.Item>>, _value: swiftui_binding_issue.Item(id: "New item"))
Binding<Item>(transaction: SwiftUI.Transaction(plist: []), location: SwiftUI.LocationBox<SwiftUI.FunctionalLocation<swiftui_binding_issue.Item>>, _value: swiftui_binding_issue.Item(id: "New item"))
Swift/ContiguousArrayBuffer.swift:600: Fatal error: Index out of range