
Sanitize arbitrary JSON objects according to a configuration.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Sanitize arbitrary JSON objects according to a configuration.


$ composer require bishopb/json-scrub
$ composer test


There are two ways to use this code: library and command line.


There are two library functions for use:

  1. ObjectScrub::scrubAll replaces the value of all instances of the given keys, regardless of where they appear in the given object.
  2. ObjectScrub::scrub replaces the value for all keys that match the path given, in dot notation. So foo.bar would replace the value "baz" in this: { "foo": { "bar": "baz" }, "foo.bar": "quux" }.

For example:

$scrubber = new \ObjectScrub();
$objects = $scrubber->scrub([ 'foo.bar' ], $objects, '***');
$objects = $scrubber->scrubAll([ 'foo' ], $objects, '***');

Refer to the tests/ directory for more example usages.

Command line usage

The command sanitize takes up to three arguments, as described in the built-in documentation:

$ ./sanitize -h
Scrub a file containing one or more JSON objects of sensitive values.

    sanitize [config='./config.json'] [objects='./objects.json'] [replace='***']

    config   Is a file describing the keys to be scrubbed. Defaults to
             './config.json'. See the config.json for a description of the file.
    objects  Is a file containing the objects to to be scrubbed. Keys in those
             objects matching keys in the config file will be replaced with the
             given replacement. Default is './objects.json'.
    replace  The string to replace matching keys with. Defaults to '***'.

    Outputs on standard out the scrubbed version of each JSON object from the
    given objects, each object separated by a newline. The original white space
    may not be preserved.

    0 if everything is ok
    1 if incorrect arguments are given
    2 if the files pointed to by the arguments cannot be read
    3 if the files do not contain valid JSON
    4 if the configuration file does not have a recognized format

See the examples/ directory for some possible usages.