
A tool for conducting code-to-code comparisons and parameter studies on box models.

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION


Skywalker is a simple tool for running parameter studies and code-to-code comparisons.

More to come soon!


To install Skywalker, make sure you have the following:

  • CMake v3.10+
  • GNU Make
  • Reliable C and C++ compilers
  • GFortran or Intel's Fortran compiler

Clone this repository, and from the top-level ѕource directory, create a build directory, in which you can configure and compile it. For example, to configure a debuggable build of Skywalker that uses double precision, do the following:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install \
      -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \
make -j
make install

Above we've used the three most useful configuration options:

  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX sets the path to which the Skywalker C, C++, and Fortran headers/module and libraries are installed. This is often something like /usr/local by default.
  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE controls whether optimization is on (Release) or whether the build is instrumented for a debugger (Debug).
  • SKYWALKER_PRECISION can be set to single or double (default) to control the precision of floating point numbers.

This process builds and installs the following artifacts, which you can use to build your own Skywalker-powered programs:

  • PREFIX/lib/libskywalker_<precision>.a, a library you can use with a C or C++ driver program.
  • PREFIX/lib/libskywalker_f90_<precision>.a, a library you can use with a Fortran driver program.
  • PREFIX/include/skywalker.h, a C header file that provides Skywalker's C interface.
  • PREFIX/include/skywalker.hpp, a C++ header file that provides Skywalker's C++ interface.
  • PREFIX/include/skywalker.mod, a Fortran 90 module header file that provides Skywalker's Fortran interface.
  • PREFIX/share/skywalker.cmake, a CMake file that includes installation information for Skywalker, plus a function called add_skywalker_driver you can use to build your own driver programs.

These files are all you need to build driver programs for conducting parameter studies using Skywalker.

External (third-party) dependencies

Skywalker uses the following libraries, which are provided as submodules in the ext directory:

  • klib - a library of C data structures
  • libyaml - a simple YAML parser

The source code for each library is covered by its license.

The Skywalker library includes everything it needs from these libraries, so you don't have to build them or link your driver program to them.