
A simple calculator interface implementation using HTML, CSS and JS as part of the The Odin Project curriculum

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CalCy - A Simple Calculator App 🔥

The UI is shamelessly inspired by the iOS calculator app. 📱

A sleek and user-friendly calculator app built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This app is designed to handle basic arithmetic operations and some unique functionalities with an intuitive interface.


  • Basic arithmetic operations: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division.
  • Support for sign (+/-) change and percentage (%) calculations.
  • Keyboard support for all operations. ⌨️
  • Adaptive display font-size.

Live Demo

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Your feedback/criticism is welcome 😊.

How It Works

The application leverages a stack-based logic to process user inputs and calculate results dynamically:

  1. Input Buffering: User inputs are held in a buffer until an operand key is pressed.
  2. Operand Key Press Handling:
    • Upon pressing an operand key, it's pushed to the stack.
    • The stack is then evaluated to resolve the expression at the top.
  3. Stack Evaluation:
    • Evaluation is based on the latest operand key pressed.
    • Operations consider up to the last three elements in the stack for calculation.
  4. Special Operand Keys:
    • Keys like '+', '-', 'x', '/', and '=' trigger calculations on the stack.
    • Sign('+/-') and percent('%') keys perform immediate calculations on the last number without full stack evaluation.

Stack Evaluation Logic

  • Operations are performed based on the stack's current state, with four main scenarios considered for evaluation:
    1. Triple number sequence: The last number is returned as the new stack.
    2. Number-Number-Operand sequence: The second number is kept for further operations.
    3. Operand-Number-Number sequence: Ignores the first operand, focusing on the last number.
    4. Number-Operand-Number sequence: Performs the operation and updates the stack with the result.

🚀 The code is heavily commented for understanding and collaboration.

Background image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay