An user registration, authentication and authorization module for Laminas-MVC based on saeven/zf3-circlical-user
- User Registration
- Forgot password feature
- View helpers
- Laminas Developers Toolbar extention
Check composer.json file for requirements.
- Run following from project root directory
$ composer require bishwopl/bpluser
- Enable module in application.config.php
return [
'modules' => [
// ...
// ...
- Follow configuration step
- Create database using following command
./vendor/doctrine/doctrine-module/bin/doctrine-module orm:schema-tool:create
Copy config/bpluser.local.php.dist file to your configuration folder and remove .dist from its name. Module configuration required for bishwopl/zf3-circlical-user is also included in this config file so separate configuration for bishwopl/zf3-circlical-user is not necessary.
- Change Password
$this->bpluser()->changePassword(UserInterface $user, $newPassword);
- Change Email
$this->bpluser()->changeEmail(UserInterface $user, $newEmail);
- Is Email in use
- Verify password
$this->bpluser()->verifyPassword(UserInterface $user, $password);
- Save Profile
$this->bpluser()->saveProfile(UserInterface $user);
- Can access action
$this->bpluser()->isAllowedAction($controllerName, $action);
- Add Remember Me feature