Directtomobile Provider Module
Add inbound external provider NX2 , number : (+62) 85574670764 .
Fixed bug to provide list outgoing providers : to include the external and internal as well
Setup for generic provider to support configuration thru code
Centralized the libraries
Use Jdk 1.7
Add new library : . client2beepcast-v2.3.10.jar . lookup2beepcast-v1.0.00.jar . channel2beepcast-v1.0.69.jar . transaction2beepcast-v1.1.39.jar
Not to forward nya mt message that cames from MODEM , keep store into send buffer
DEBUG {RouterMTInOuWorker}ProviderApp [ProviderMessage-MDM20234000] Send provider message : dstAddr = +6598394294, oriAddr = null, oriAddrMask = 90102337, debitAmount = 1.0, cntType = 0, msgCount = 1, msgContent = Test Incoming Basic Modem Event 01 DEBUG {RouterMTInOuWorker}ProviderUtil [ProviderMessage-MDM20234000] Resolved provider : id = 14 , providerId = SINGTELMDM01 , direction = IO , type = MODEM , description = Modem Gateway WARNING {RouterMTInOuWorker}MTSendWorker [Provider-SINGTELMDM01] [ProviderMessage-MDM20234000] Failed to send message , found null provider agent channel WARNING {RouterMTInOuWorker}ProviderService [RouterMessage-MDM20234000] Failed to process mt message , found failed to send message thru provider app WARNING {RouterMTInOuWorker}RouterMTWorker [RouterMessage-MDM20234000] Failed to submit mt message to provider app , set to increase the buffer retry value became 1 DEBUG {RouterMTInOuWorker}RouterMTWorker [RouterMessage-MDM20234000] Found mt message buffer retry value = 1 , still hasn't reached the max yet , trying to store back into send buffer DEBUG {RouterMTInOuWorker}RouterMTWorker [RouterMessage-MDM20234000] Inserted unstored mt message into the mt batch queue back
Add new library : . channel2beepcast-v1.0.68.jar . router2beepcast-v1.0.43.jar . transaction2beepcast-v1.1.38.jar . client2beepcast-v2.3.08.jar . util2beepcast-v1.0.01.jar . subscriber2beepcast-v1.2.40.jar . beepcast_loadmanagement-v1.2.05.jar . beepcast_database-v1.2.02.jar . beepcast_properties-v2.0.01.jar . beepcast_clientapi-v1.1.00.jar
Support for proxy server for http client
Support xl provider
Add new library : . jaf/jaf-1.1.1/activation.jar . stax/stax-api-1.0.1.jar . stax/stax-1.2.0.jar . jettison/jettison-1.2.jar . xstream-1.4.8/lib/xstream/xpp3_min-1.1.4c.jar . xstream-1.4.8/lib/xstream/xmlpull- . xstream-1.4.8/lib/xstream-1.4.8.jar
Update Nexmo API to support secure http posts. Enforcing mandatory use of secure HTTP (HTTPS) on Dec 15th 2015
Found bug to set always as http on provider's connection
Failed to verify the provider's connection
16.12.2015 18.01.52:526 1866 WARNING {VerifyStatusConnectionWorker-NX}BaseAgent [Provider-NX] Failed to verify status connection , found Connection reset
Change to
Add new library : .
Use database mysql 5.6 port 3307
There is changed in file ./conf/provider.xml
<providerAgent class="com.beepcast.api.provider.agent.QRAgent" providerId="QR" enabled="true" queueSize="300" worker="10" sleep="250"> <Connections enableErrorCheck="false" maxErrorTolerant="0" /> <messageParams> <messageParam name="imageFileLocation" value="${provider.qr.image_file_location}" /> <messageParam name="imageFileFormat" value="${provider.qr.image_file_format}" /> <messageParam name="imageFileSizeWidth" value="${provider.qr.image_file_size_width}" /> <messageParam name="imageFileSizeHeight" value="${provider.qr.image_file_size_height}" /> </messageParams> </providerAgent>
There is changed in file ./conf/
provider.qr.image_file_location=${platform.dir.message_attachments} provider.qr.image_file_format=png provider.qr.image_file_size_width=128 provider.qr.image_file_size_height=128
Create folder ${beepadmin.home}/beepfiles/message_attachments/
Build a QR Generator Provider with parameters : . eventId . text . size . file
Use Jdk 1.7
Add new library :
. stax-api-1.0.1.jar . stax-1.2.0.jar . jettison-1.2.jar . xpp3_min-1.1.4c.jar . jdom-1.1.3.jar . dom4j-1.6.1.jar . xom-1.1.jar . cglib-nodep-2.2.jar . xmlpull- . xstream-1.4.8.jar
. commons-logging-1.2.jar . commons-pool2-2.4.2.jar . commons-dbcp2-2.1.1.jar . mysql-connector-java-5.1.35-bin.jar . beepcast_database-v1.2.00.jar
. beepcast_clientapi-v1.0.04.jar . xipme_api-v1.0.29.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.82.jar . router2beepcast-v1.0.40.jar . transaction2beepcast-v1.1.34.jar
There is a change inside file ./conf/oproperties.xml
<property field="ProviderAgent.MapLookup.MB1" value="MBLUP1" description="Map lookup provider based on provider agent" />
Add feature for mblox delivery report ( MbloxBroker ) to call lookup module
Add mapping from sms to lookup provider
Add new library : . channel2beepcast-v1.0.66.jar . transaction2beepcast-v1.1.32.jar . client2beepcast-v2.3.07.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.80.jar . subscriber2beepcast-v1.2.36.jar . dwh_model-v1.0.33.jar . beepcast_dbmanager-v1.1.36.jar . beepcast_onm-v1.2.09.jar . lookup2beepcast-v1.0.00.jar
Migrate all the existing projects to use IDE MyEclipse Pro 2014 . Build as java application ( not as web project )
Add new library : . http-v1.0.01.jar . router2beepcast-v1.0.38.jar
Found bug in the delivery report process date field from nexmo provider , it seems can not get down to the seconds, it always appear as 00
Add generic provider , with list reserved variables in the ./conf/provider.xml
Add new file ./js/gn1.js
Changes inside file ./conf/
provider.gn1.remote_host=apus provider.gn1.remote_port=80 provider.gn1.remote_path=/provider_gn1.php provider.gn1.script_file=${beepadmin.js}/gn1.js
Changes inside file ./conf/provider.xml
<providerAgent class="com.beepcast.api.provider.agent.GenericAgent" providerId="GN1" enabled="true" queueSize="300" worker="10" sleep="250"> <Connections enableErrorCheck="false" maxErrorTolerant="3"> <Connection protocol="http" remoteHost="${provider.gn1.remote_host}" remotePort="${provider.gn1.remote_port}" remotePath="${provider.gn1.remote_path}" /> </Connections> <scriptParams> <scriptParam name="file" value="${provider.gn1.script_file}" /> <scriptParam name="method" value="get" /> <scriptParam name="queryString" value="" /> <scriptParam name="requestBody" value="" /> </scriptParams> </providerAgent>
Add new library : . js-14.jar . http-v1.0.00.jar
Test nexmo delivery report with telco code
DRWorker Store dr message into the queue , with : providerId = NX1 , externalMessageId = MDM20096000 , externalStatus = delivered , dateReport = 2015-02-13 16:42:00 , optionalParams = null , externalParams = dG89JTJCNjU5MTA5MzQyOSZuZXR3b3JrLWNvZGU9NTI1MDEmbWVzc2FnZUlkPSZtc2lzZG49JTJCNjU5ODM5NDI5NCZzdGF0dXM9ZGVsaXZlcmVkJmVyci1jb2RlPTAmcHJpY2U9JnNjdHM9MTUwMjEzMTY0MiZtZXNzYWdlLXRpbWVzdGFtcD0yMDE1LTAyLTEzKzE2JTNBNDIlM0EzMyZjbGllbnQtcmVmPU1ETTIwMDk2MDAw http://apus:8080/beepadmin/provider_nx1.jsp?to=%2B6591093429&network-code=52501&messageId=&msisdn=%2B6598394294&status=delivered&err-code=0&price=&scts=1502131642&message-timestamp=2015-02-13+16%3A42%3A33&client-ref=MDM20096000
Execute sql below :
INSERT INTO dn_status_map (provider_id,external_status,internal_status,
,retry,delivered,submitted,ignored,description,active,date_inserted,date_updated) VALUES('TT1','FAILED-CONNECTION','FAILED' ,0,1,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('TT1','FAILED-RETRYABLE' ,'FAILED-RETRYABLE',0,1,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('DG1','FAILED-CONNECTION','FAILED' ,0,1,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('DG1','FAILED-RETRYABLE' ,'FAILED-RETRYABLE',0,1,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('SP1','FAILED-CONNECTION','FAILED' ,0,1,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('SP1','FAILED-RETRYABLE' ,'FAILED-RETRYABLE',0,1,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('NX1','FAILED-CONNECTION','FAILED' ,0,1,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('NX1','FAILED-RETRYABLE' ,'FAILED-RETRYABLE',0,1,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) ,
('CG3','FAILED-SHUTDOWN' ,'FAILED' ,1,0,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('CG4','FAILED-SHUTDOWN' ,'FAILED' ,1,0,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('CG5','FAILED-SHUTDOWN' ,'FAILED' ,1,0,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('DG1','FAILED-SHUTDOWN' ,'FAILED' ,1,0,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('EE1','FAILED-SHUTDOWN' ,'FAILED' ,1,0,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('EE2','FAILED-SHUTDOWN' ,'FAILED' ,1,0,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('EE3','FAILED-SHUTDOWN' ,'FAILED' ,1,0,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('EE4','FAILED-SHUTDOWN' ,'FAILED' ,1,0,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('MB1','FAILED-SHUTDOWN' ,'FAILED' ,1,0,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('NX1','FAILED-SHUTDOWN' ,'FAILED' ,1,0,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('SB1','FAILED-SHUTDOWN' ,'FAILED' ,1,0,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('SB2','FAILED-SHUTDOWN' ,'FAILED' ,1,0,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('SB3','FAILED-SHUTDOWN' ,'FAILED' ,1,0,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('SB4','FAILED-SHUTDOWN' ,'FAILED' ,1,0,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('SB5','FAILED-SHUTDOWN' ,'FAILED' ,1,0,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('SP1','FAILED-SHUTDOWN' ,'FAILED' ,1,0,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) , ('TT1','FAILED-SHUTDOWN' ,'FAILED' ,1,0,0,0,0,'',1,NOW(),NOW() ) ;
There is a changed inside ./conf/oproperties.xml
<property field="ProviderAgent.EnableRetryOnFailedResponse" value="false" description="Will process the retry command for failed status response" /> <property field="ProviderAgent.EnableShutdownOnFailedResponse" value="false" description="Will process the shutdown command for failed status response" />
Add new library : . router2beepcast-v1.0.36.jar . channel2beepcast-v1.0.64.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.76.jar . transaction2beepcast-v1.1.28.jar . beepcast_dbmanager-v1.1.35.jar
There is a change inside file ./conf/
provider.nx.remote_host=apus provider.nx.remote_port=9708 provider.nx.remote_path=/sms/xml
There is a change inside file ./conf/provider.xml
<providerBroker class="" providerId="NX" enabled="true"> <mapParams> <mapParam name="gmt" value="8" /> </mapParams> </providerBroker> <providerAgent class="com.beepcast.api.provider.agent.NexmoAgent" providerId="NX" enabled="true" queueSize="300" worker="10" sleep="250"> <Connections enableErrorCheck="false" maxErrorTolerant="3"> <Connection protocol="http" remoteHost="${provider.nx.remote_host}" remotePort="${provider.nx.remote_port}" remotePath="${provider.nx.remote_path}" /> </Connections> <messageParams> <messageParam name="ttl" value="86400000" /> <messageParam name="gmt" value="8" /> </messageParams> </providerAgent>
Use tdiff to calculate delivery report status for Mach provider
Add new library : . router2beepcast-v1.0.35.jar . transaction2beepcast-v1.1.27.jar . dwh_model-v1.0.32.jar .
Increase the external message id length
08.12.2014 14.39.50:382 2191 INFO {ProviderManagementThread}ProviderManagement Queue MO=0, MTResp=0, DR=0, MOBatch=0, MTRespBatch=0, DRBatch=2 08.12.2014 14.39.50:382 2192 DEBUG {ProviderManagementThread}ProviderManagement Perform cleaning service for mt resp worker 08.12.2014 14.39.50:382 2193 DEBUG {ProviderManagementThread}MTRespWorker Will insert batch provider message(s) into gateway log , found : 0 record(s) 08.12.2014 14.39.50:382 2194 DEBUG {ProviderManagementThread}ProviderManagement Perform cleaning service for dr worker 08.12.2014 14.39.50:382 2195 DEBUG {ProviderManagementThread}DRWorker Moving batch dn records from the batch queue into dn buffer table , found candidate = 2 record(s) 08.12.2014 14.39.50:383 2196 INFO {ProviderManagementThread}DatabaseEngine [transactiondb] Loaded batch record(s) total = 2 08.12.2014 14.39.50:383 2197 ERROR {ProviderManagementThread}DatabaseEngine [transactiondb] Failed to execute the batch , java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Data truncation: Data too long for column 'message_id' at row 1 08.12.2014 14.39.50:383 2198 INFO {ProviderManagementThread}DatabaseEngine [transactiondb] Executed batch record(s) total = 0
Execute sql below :
VARCHAR(45) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL ; -
Sample request delivery report from router sms plug
08.12.2014 10.44.10:707 2663 DEBUG {Http[Rmt-]}provider_sp1.jsp Received new request : sSender = +6591093429 , sMobileNo = 6598394294 , sStatus = UNDELIV , sMessageId = d260aac0-13cb-49a9-ae11-df7e84a6d9c7 , dtDone = 2014-12-08 08:12:41 , dtSubmit = 2014-12-08 07:32:35 08.12.2014 10.44.10:707 2664 DEBUG {Http[Rmt-]}DRWorker Store dr message with : providerId = SP1 , externalMessageId = d260aac0-13cb-49a9-ae11-df7e84a6d9c7 , externalStatus = UNDELIV , dateReport = 2014-12-08 08:12:41 , externalParams = 08.12.2014 10.44.10:707 2666 DEBUG {Http[Rmt-]}DRWorker [ProviderMessage-SP1-d260aac0-13cb-49a9-ae11-df7e84a6d9c7] Stored dr message into the queue ( take 0 ms ) : d260aac0-13cb-49a9-ae11-df7e84a6d9c7 , UNDELIV , 2014-12-08 08:12:41 08.12.2014 10.44.10:709 2667 DEBUG {ProviderDRWorkerThread-5}DRWorker [Provider-SP1] [ProviderMessage-d260aac0-13cb-49a9-ae11-df7e84a6d9c7] Found map dr status code UNDELIV -> FAILED ( UNDELIV ) 08.12.2014 10.44.10:709 2668 DEBUG {ProviderDRWorkerThread-5}DRWorker [Provider-SP1] [ProviderMessage-d260aac0-13cb-49a9-ae11-df7e84a6d9c7] Added dr info params , internalStatus = FAILED , priority = 0 , description = 08.12.2014 10.44.10:709 2670 DEBUG {ProviderDRWorkerThread-5}DRWorker Found delay to process dr provider message , take = 4670 ms : SP1 , d260aac0-13cb-49a9-ae11-df7e84a6d9c7 , UNDELIV
Add new provider Route Sms Plus , but found bug : external message id is too long d260aac0-13cb-49a9-ae11-df7e84a6d9c7 ( at least 45 characters )
08.12.2014 10.02.34:919 2044 DEBUG {SmsplusAgentThread-SP.0}SmsPlusAgent [Provider-SP] [ProviderMessage-MDM3795000] Composed httpParameters username=beepcast&password=v5xf5re&type=0&dlr=1&destination=%2B6598394294&source=%2B6591093429& 08.12.2014 10.02.34:919 2045 DEBUG {SmsplusAgentThread-SP.0}SmsPlusAgent [Provider-SP] [ProviderMessage-MDM3795000] Created the request to remoteUrl 08.12.2014 10.02.35:134 2046 DEBUG {SmsplusAgentThread-SP.0}SmsPlusAgent [Provider-SP] [ProviderMessage-MDM3795000] Processed the response ( 215 ms ) = 1701|6598394294|d260aac0-13cb-49a9-ae11-df7e84a6d9c7 08.12.2014 10.02.35:134 2047 DEBUG {SmsplusAgentThread-SP.0}SmsPlusAgent [Provider-SP] [ProviderMessage-MDM3795000] Extracted external status = 1701 08.12.2014 10.02.35:137 2048 DEBUG {SmsplusAgentThread-SP.0}BaseAgent [ProviderMessage-MDM3795000] Found map status response 1701 -> SUBMITTED
08.12.2014 10.03.15:345 2078 INFO {ProviderManagementThread}ProviderManagement Queue MO=0, MTResp=0, DR=0, MOBatch=0, MTRespBatch=1, DRBatch=0 08.12.2014 10.03.15:345 2079 DEBUG {ProviderManagementThread}ProviderManagement Perform cleaning service for mt resp worker 08.12.2014 10.03.15:345 2080 DEBUG {ProviderManagementThread}MTRespWorker Will insert batch provider message(s) into gateway log , found : 1 record(s) 08.12.2014 10.03.15:349 2081 INFO {ProviderManagementThread}DatabaseEngine [transactiondb] Loaded batch record(s) total = 1 08.12.2014 10.03.15:357 2082 ERROR {ProviderManagementThread}DatabaseEngine [transactiondb] Failed to execute the batch , java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Data truncation: Data too long for column 'external_message_id' at row 1 08.12.2014 10.03.15:357 2083 INFO {ProviderManagementThread}DatabaseEngine [transactiondb] Executed batch record(s) total = 0 08.12.2014 10.03.15:357 2084 WARNING {ProviderManagementThread}MTRespWorker Failed to execute the batch insert provider message(s) into gateway log , fould failed to persist 08.12.2014 10.03.15:358 2085 DEBUG {ProviderManagementThread}ProviderManagement Perform cleaning service for dr worker
Execute sql below :
VARCHAR(45) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL , MODIFY COLUMNexternal_message_id
MODIFY COLUMNinternal_message_id
VARCHAR(45) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT NULL , MODIFY COLUMNexternal_message_id
There is a changed in file ./conf/
provider.sp.remote_host=corvus provider.sp.remote_port=9707 provider.sp.remote_path=/bulksms/bulksms
There is a changed in file ./conf/provider.xml
<providerAgent class="com.beepcast.api.provider.agent.SmsplusAgent" providerId="SP" enabled="true" queueSize="300" worker="15" sleep="250"> <Connections enableErrorCheck="false" maxErrorTolerant="3"> <Connection protocol="http" remoteHost="${provider.sp.remote_host1}" remotePort="${provider.sp.remote_port1}" remotePath="${provider.sp.remote_path1}" /> </Connections> </providerAgent>
Execute sql below
INSERT INTO dn_status_map ( provider_id , external_status , internal_status ,
, retry , delivered , submitted , ignored , description , active , date_inserted , date_updated ) VALUES ( 'SP1' , '1701' , 'SUBMITTED' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 'Message Submitted Successfully' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SP1' , '1702' , 'INVALID PARAMS' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Invalid URL Error' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SP1' , '1703' , 'INVALID PARAMS' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Invalid Username Password' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SP1' , '1704' , 'INVALID PARAMS' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Invalid Type' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SP1' , '1705' , 'INVALID PARAMS' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Invalid Message' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SP1' , '1706' , 'INVALID PARAMS' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Invalid Destination' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SP1' , '1707' , 'INVALID PARAMS' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Invalid Source' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SP1' , '1708' , 'INVALID PARAMS' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Invalid Dlr' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SP1' , '1709' , 'AUTH FAILED' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'User Validation Failed' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SP1' , '1710' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Internal Error' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SP1' , '1715' , 'TIMEOUT' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Response Timeout' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SP1' , '1025' , 'FAILED' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Insufficient Credit' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) ;INSERT INTO dn_status_map ( provider_id , external_status , internal_status ,
, retry , delivered , submitted , ignored , description , active , date_inserted , date_updated ) VALUES ( 'SP1', 'UNKNOWN' , 'FAILED' , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'UNKNOWN' , 1, NOW(), NOW() ) , ( 'SP1', 'ACKED' , 'SUBMITTED', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 'ACKED' , 1, NOW(), NOW() ) , ( 'SP1', 'ENROUTE' , 'SUBMITTED', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 'ENROUTE' , 1, NOW(), NOW() ) , ( 'SP1', 'DELIVRD' , 'DELIVERED', 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 'DELIVRD' , 1, NOW(), NOW() ) , ( 'SP1', 'EXPIRED' , 'FAILED' , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'EXPIRED' , 1, NOW(), NOW() ) , ( 'SP1', 'DELETED' , 'FAILED' , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'DELETED' , 1, NOW(), NOW() ) , ( 'SP1', 'UNDELIV' , 'FAILED' , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'UNDELIV' , 1, NOW(), NOW() ) , ( 'SP1', 'ACCEPTED', 'SUBMITTED', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 'ACCEPTED', 1, NOW(), NOW() ) , ( 'SP1', 'REJECTD' , 'FAILED' , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'REJECTD' , 1, NOW(), NOW() ) ; -
Put more information about inserting transaction into gateway log into log file , like example below :
../../log/beepadmin-20141111-38.log:11.11.2014 11.41.01:253 18493333 DEBUG
{ProviderMTRespWorkerThread-11}MTRespWorker [Provider-EE4] [ProviderMessage-INT23140454] Queued into mt response batch queue : +6598558406,INT23140454,+OK01, to download. ../../log/beepadmin-20141111-39.log:11.11.2014 11.47.11:159 18664165 DEBUG
{Http[Rmt-]}provider_ee4.jsp Received new request , dnr = +6598558406 , dtag = INT23140454 , status = 0 , reason = 0 , tdif = 302 , mnc = 06,05 , mcc = 525 -
Add new library : . transaction2beepcast-v1.1.26.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.74.jar . subscriber2beepcast-v1.2.35.jar . beepcast_dbmanager-v1.1.34.jar .
Failed to send unicode character for mblox provider
Add new library : . router2beepcast-v1.0.34.jar . transaction2beepcast-v1.1.25.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.73.jar .
Failed to send enter for the unicode message to mach provider
Add new library : .
Be more specific on the delivery report of the MBlox Provider , please find the sample below :
09.09.2014 01.36.36:318 89177397 DEBUG {HttpProcessor[8080][8]}provider_mb1.jsp Received new request , XMLDATA =
BeepCastPte 6Er2G9bK 1 6591912886 Non Delivered 201409081736 32187891410145869274 5 52503 09.09.2014 01.36.36:318 89177398 DEBUG {HttpProcessor[8080][8]}provider_mb1.jsp Read as notification service NotificationService ( Inbound Service ( version = 2.3 headerPartner = BeepCastPte headerPassword = 6Er2G9bK headerServiceId = 1 ) notfBatchId = 22223875 notfSequenceNumber = 0 subscriberNumber = 6591912886 subscriberStatus = Non Delivered subscriberTimeStamp = 201409081736 subscriberMsgReference = 32187891410145869274 subscriberReason = 5 ) 09.09.2014 01.36.36:318 89177399 DEBUG {HttpProcessor[8080][8]}DRWorker Store dr message with : providerId = MB1 , externalMessageId = 22223875 , externalStatus = Non Delivered , dateReport = 2014-09-09 01:36:36 , externalParams = PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iSVNPLTg4NTktMSI\/Pgo8Tm90aWZpY2F0aW9u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\ndGlmaWNhdGlvbkxpc3Q+CjwvTm90aWZpY2F0aW9uU2VydmljZT4K\n 09.09.2014 01.36.36:319 89177400 DEBUG {ProviderDRWorkerThread-3}DRWorker [Provider-MB1] [ProviderMessage-22223875] Found map dr status code Non Delivered -> FAILED ( ) 09.09.2014 01.36.36:319 89177401 DEBUG {ProviderDRWorkerThread-3}DRWorker [Provider-MB1] [ProviderMessage-22223875] Added dr info params , internalStatus = FAILED , priority = 0 , description = -
Clean out all library file that use package sun.* , replace with beepcast.encrypt
Add new library : . transaction2beepcast-v1.1.23.jar . client2beepcast-v2.3.06.jar . beepcast_loadmanagement-v1.2.04.jar . beepcast_encrypt-v1.0.04.jar .
Support to store new tag operator code from MBlox's delivery request , like example below :
BeepCastPte 6Er2G9bK 1 6598394294 Delivered 201407090625 1222372261404887139436 4 52501 -
Add new library : . router2beepcast-v1.0.33.jar . transaction2beepcast-v1.1.22.jar . client2beepcast-v2.3.05.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.70.jar . subscriber2beepcast-v1.2.34.jar . dwh_model-v1.0.30.jar . beepcast_dbmanager-v1.1.33.jar . beepcast_encrypt-v1.0.03.jar . beepcast_onm-v1.2.08.jar . beepcast_online_properties-v1.0.05.jar
Add new library : . router2beepcast-v1.0.31.jar . transaction2beepcast-v1.1.20.jar . client2beepcast-v2.3.04.jar . billing2beepcast-v1.1.07.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.68.jar . dwh_model-v1.0.29.jar . beepcast_online_properties-v1.0.04.jar . beepcast_onm-v1.2.07.jar .
For unicode message put additional xml attribute "Format='UTF8'" , with sample below
BeepCastPte6Er2G9bK Testing Accents 19821 6591093429 6598394294 BeepCastPte6Er2G9bK Testing Accents - £¥èéùìòäöñüà 19821 6591093429 6598394294 -
Add new library : .
Add additional field "gatewayXipmeId" store into the gateway log
Add new library : . router2beepcast-v1.0.30.jar . transaction2beepcast-v1.1.16.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.66.jar . subscriber2beepcast-v1.2.27.jar . dwh_model-v1.0.28.jar . beepcast_encrypt-v1.0.02.jar
Add feature to convert special GSM 7 Bit Characters for provider EE
Add new library : .
Clean up the gateway and mobile user table ( phone and message )
gatewayLogDAO mobileUserDAO
Add new library : . router2beepcast-v1.0.28.jar . transaction2beepcast-v1.1.12.jar . client2beepcast-v2.3.02.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.62.jar . subscriber2beepcast-v1.2.25.jar . beepcast_dbmanager-v1.1.31.jar .
Found bug inside provider mb1 , only applied for long message
10.09.2013 14.24.43:197 201812 DEBUG {ProcessExtToIntWorker.MB1}MbloxLongMessage [ProviderMessage-MDM18101003] Splitted message part : intMsgId = 18101004 , debitAmount = 0.0 , udh = :05:00:03:08:03:01 , messageCount = 1 , message = Begin Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.Ut enim ad minim veniam 10.09.2013 14.24.43:197 201813 DEBUG {ProcessExtToIntWorker.MB1}MbloxLongMessage [ProviderMessage-MDM18101003] Splitted message part : intMsgId = 18101005 , debitAmount = 0.0 , udh = :05:00:03:08:03:02 , messageCount = 1 , message = , quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum 10.09.2013 14.24.43:197 201814 DEBUG {ProcessExtToIntWorker.MB1}MbloxLongMessage [ProviderMessage-MDM18101003] Splitted message part : intMsgId = MDM18101003 , debitAmount = 3.0 , udh = :05:00:03:08:03:03 , messageCount = 1 , message = dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum End.
10.09.2013 14.24.43:199 201824 DEBUG {MbloxAgentThread-MB1.9}MbloxAgent [Provider-MB1] [ProviderMessage-18101004] Composed xml data parameter BeepCastPte6Er2G9bKBegin Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.Ut enim ad minim veniam19821:05:00:03:08:03:0165910934296598394294 10.09.2013 14.24.43:200 201825 DEBUG {MbloxAgentThread-MB1.10}MbloxAgent [Provider-MB1] [ProviderMessage-18101005] Composed xml data parameter BeepCastPte6Er2G9bK, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum19821:05:00:03:08:03:0265910934296598394294 10.09.2013 14.24.43:200 201826 DEBUG {MbloxAgentThread-MB1.0}MbloxAgent [Provider-MB1] [ProviderMessage-MDM18101003] Composed xml data parameter BeepCastPte6Er2G9bK dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum End.19821:05:00:03:08:03:0365910934296598394294
10.09.2013 14.24.43:258 201833 DEBUG {MbloxAgentThread-MB1.9}MbloxAgent [Provider-MB1] [ProviderMessage-18101004] Processed the response ( 56 ms ) = <NotificationRequestResult Version="3.5"> BeepCastPte</PartnerName> </PartnerRef> 0</RequestResultCode> OK</RequestResultText> </NotificationResultHeader> <NotificationResult SequenceNumber="0"> 11</NotificationResultCode> malformed BatchID</NotificationResultText> </NotificationResult> </NotificationResultList></NotificationRequestResult> 10.09.2013 14.24.43:258 201834 DEBUG {MbloxAgentThread-MB1.10}MbloxAgent [Provider-MB1] [ProviderMessage-18101005] Processed the response ( 56 ms ) = <NotificationRequestResult Version="3.5"> BeepCastPte</PartnerName> </PartnerRef> 0</RequestResultCode> OK</RequestResultText> </NotificationResultHeader> <NotificationResult SequenceNumber="0"> 11</NotificationResultCode> malformed BatchID</NotificationResultText> </NotificationResult> </NotificationResultList></NotificationRequestResult> 10.09.2013 14.24.43:266 201843 DEBUG {MbloxAgentThread-MB1.0}MbloxAgent [Provider-MB1] [ProviderMessage-MDM18101003] Processed the response ( 63 ms ) = <NotificationRequestResult Version="3.5"> BeepCastPte</PartnerName> </PartnerRef> 0</RequestResultCode> OK</RequestResultText> </NotificationResultHeader> <NotificationResult SequenceNumber="0"> 0</NotificationResultCode> OK</NotificationResultText> 6598394294</SubscriberNumber> 0</SubscriberResultCode> OK</SubscriberResultText> 0</Retry> 0</Operator> </SubscriberResult> </NotificationResult> </NotificationResultList></NotificationRequestResult>
Add new library : .
Found bug inside provider mb1 , found invalid batch id format especially came from api ( must be numeric format )
{MbloxAgentThread-MB1.10}MbloxAgent [Provider-MB1] [ProviderMessage-API18097012-0-0] Generated external message id : 18097012-0-0 {MbloxAgentThread-MB1.10}MbloxAgent [Provider-MB1] [ProviderMessage-API18097012-0-0] Composed xml data parameter BeepCastPte6Er2G9bKTesting api setup1982165910934296596328785 {MbloxAgentThread-MB1.10}MbloxAgent [Provider-MB1] [ProviderMessage-API18097012-0-0] Composed http parameters XMLDATA=%3C%3Fxml+version%3D%221.0%22%3F%3E%3CNotificationRequest+Version%3D%223.5%22%3E%3CNotificationHeader%3E%3CPartnerName%3EBeepCastPte%3C%2FPartnerName%3E%3CPartnerPassword%3E6Er2G9bK%3C%2FPartnerPassword%3E%3C%2FNotificationHeader%3E%3CNotificationList+BatchID%3D%2218097012-0-0%22+%3E%3CNotification+SequenceNumber%3D%220%22+MessageType%3D%22SMS%22+%3E%3CMessage%3ETesting+api+setup%3C%2FMessage%3E%3CProfile%3E19821%3C%2FProfile%3E%3CSenderID+Type%3D%22Numeric%22+%3E6591093429%3C%2FSenderID%3E%3CSubscriber%3E%3CSubscriberNumber%3E6596328785%3C%2FSubscriberNumber%3E%3C%2FSubscriber%3E%3C%2FNotification%3E%3C%2FNotificationList%3E%3C%2FNotificationRequest%3E {MbloxAgentThread-MB1.10}MbloxAgent [Provider-MB1] [ProviderMessage-API18097012-0-0] Created the request to remoteUrl {MbloxAgentThread-MB1.10}MbloxAgent [Provider-MB1] [ProviderMessage-API18097012-0-0] Processed the response ( 56 ms ) = <NotificationRequestResult Version="3.5"> BeepCastPte</PartnerName> </PartnerRef> 0</RequestResultCode> OK</RequestResultText> </NotificationResultHeader> <NotificationResult SequenceNumber="0"> 11</NotificationResultCode> malformed BatchID</NotificationResultText> </NotificationResult> </NotificationResultList></NotificationRequestResult> {MbloxAgentThread-MB1.10}MbloxAgent [Provider-MB1] [ProviderMessage-API18097012-0-0] Extracted external status = NRC11 {MbloxAgentThread-MB1.10}FetchDnStatusMap_ProviderId_ExternalStatus Generated a new record TDnStatusMap ( statusMapId = 23 providerId = MB1 externalStatus = NRC11 internalStatus = INVALID PARAMS shutdown = 0 retry = 0 delivered = 0 submitted = 0 ignored = 0 description = Malformed BatchID active = true ) {MbloxAgentThread-MB1.10}FetchBase Added a new record in the data cache , with cacheKey = ae4a9344ad5999572fb07878d0963a6f {MbloxAgentThread-MB1.10}BaseAgent [ProviderMessage-API18097012-0-0] Found map status response NRC11 -> INVALID PARAMS
Add new library : . transaction2beepcast-v1.1.11.jar . client2beepcast-v2.3.01.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.61.jar . subscriber2beepcast-v1.2.22.jar . dwh_model-v1.0.25.jar . beepcast_dbmanager-v1.1.30.jar . beepcast_onm-v1.2.04.jar
Add feature to flag suspend or disable provider agent from online properties
Do the verify status connections with each thread
There is a changes inside file ./conf/provider.xml
There is a changes inside file ./conf/oproperties.xml
<property field="ProviderAgent.EnableErrorCheck.EE" value="true" description="Enable to perform verification of EE provider's connection periodically" /> <property field="ProviderAgent.MaxErrorTolerant.EE" value="3" description="Maximum Error tolerance to confirm EE provider's connection status" /> <property field="ProviderAgent.Suspend.EE4" value="false" description="Publish the active status of the EE4 provider agent" /> <property field="ProviderAgent.Suspend.SB1" value="false" description="Publish the active status of the SB1 provider agent" /> <property field="Provider.DRWorker.TotalWorkers" value="5" description="Total thread workers to process dr provider message" /> <property field="Provider.DRWorker.TimeSleep" value="100" description="Latency inside the thread worker to process dr provider messsage" /> <property field="Provider.MOWorker.TotalWorkers" value="2" description="Total thread workers to process mo provider message" /> <property field="Provider.MOWorker.TimeSleep" value="100" description="Latency inside the thread worker to process mo provider messsage" /> <property field="Provider.MTRespWorker.TotalWorkers" value="5" description="Total thread workers to process mt response message" /> <property field="Provider.MTRespWorker.TimeSleep" value="100" description="Latency inside the thread worker to process mt response messsage" />
Validate the verify status connections from online properties
Add new library : . transaction2beepcast-v1.1.06.jar . client2beepcast-v2.3.00.jar . beepcast_online_properties-v1.0.03.jar . beepcast_dbmanager-v1.1.29.jar
There is a change configuration in file ./conf/provider.xml
Add broker instead of agent to support the processing mo and/or dr per provider
Add feature to pass mobile country code and mobile network code from delivery report to router with legacy fields
Add new library : . model2beepcast-v1.0.60.jar . transaction2beepcast-v1.1.05.jar . router2beepcast-v1.0.27.jar
Execute this sql to add status code for dialogue provider
INSERT INTO dn_status_map (provider_id,external_status,internal_status,description,active,date_inserted,date_updated) VALUES ('DG1','00','SUBMITTED','Successful',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','01','SUBMITTED','Sent to SME but unable to confirm',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','02','SUBMITTED','replaced at the SMSC',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','20','FAILED','Congestion',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','21','FAILED','SME Busy',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','22','FAILED','No response from the SME',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','23','FAILED','Phone rejected message',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','24','FAILED','Quality of service not available',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','25','FAILED','Error in phone',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','26','FAILED','Unknown Subscriber',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','27','FAILED','Error in SMSC',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','30','FAILED','Unable to confirm',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','31','FAILED','Unable to deliver, unknown error',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','32','FAILED','System error',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','33','FAILED','PLMN error',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','34','FAILED','HLR unknown error',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','35','FAILED','VLR unknown error',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','36','FAILED','Authentication failure',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','37','FAILED','Plugin subsystem not responding',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','38','FAILED','Plugin subsystem failed',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','39','FAILED','Insufficient credit',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','3A','FAILED','Rejected by operator. Validity period expired',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','3B','FAILED','Message queue full',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','3C','FAILED','Driver initialisation. Driver link failure',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','3D','FAILED','Message was spooled',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','40','FAILED','Remote procedure error',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','41','FAILED','Incompatible destination',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','42','FAILED','Connection rejected by SME',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','43','FAILED','Not obtainable',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','44','FAILED','Quality of service not available',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','45','FAILED','No interworking available',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','46','FAILED','Validity period expired',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','47','FAILED','Message deleted by originating SME',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','48','FAILED','Message deleted by SMSC admin',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','49','FAILED','Message does not exist',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','4A','FAILED','Unknown subscriber',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','4B','FAILED','SMSC error',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','50','FAILED','Max submission attempt reached',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','51','FAILED','Max Time To Live for message reached',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','52','FAILED','Invalid data in message',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','53','FAILED','Non routable',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','54','FAILED','Authentication failure',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','55','FAILED','No response from SME',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','56','FAILED','SME rejected message',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','57','FAILED','Unknown error',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','58','FAILED','Operator bar',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','59','FAILED','Request ID not found',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','5A','FAILED','Premium charge routing error',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','5B','FAILED','Service ID not provisioned',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','5C','FAILED','MSISDN disconnected',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','5D','FAILED','Validity period expired',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','60','FAILED','Congestion',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','61','FAILED','SME busy',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','62','FAILED','No response from SME',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','63','FAILED','Service rejected',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','64','FAILED','Quality of service not available',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','65','FAILED','Error in SME',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','70','FAILED','Max submission attempt reached',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','71','FAILED','Max TTL for message reached',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','72','FAILED','Database sub-system error',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','73','FAILED','Core dependency missing',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','74','FAILED','Insufficient prepay credit',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','75','FAILED','Core configuration error',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','76','FAILED','Plug-in sub-system error',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','77','FAILED','Routing loop detected',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','78','FAILED','Age verification failure',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','79','FAILED','Age verification failure',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','7A','FAILED','Message in flight with unknown status',1,NOW(),NOW()) , ('DG1','7B','FAILED','Expenditure limit reached',1,NOW(),NOW()) ;
There is a change inside file ./conf/
provider.dg.remote_host=apus provider.dg.remote_port=9706 provider.dg.remote_path=/cgi-bin/messaging/messaging.mpl
There is a change inside file ./conf/provider.xml
<providerAgent class="com.beepcast.api.provider.agent.DialogueAgent" providerId="DG" enabled="true" queueSize="300" worker="20" sleep="250"> <Connections enableErrorCheck="false" maxErrorTolerant="10"> <Connection protocol="http" remoteHost="${provider.dg.remote_host}" remotePort="${provider.dg.remote_port}" remotePath="${provider.dg.remote_path}" /> </Connections> <messageParams> <messageParam name="X-E3-Concatenation-Limit" value="10" /> <messageParam name="X-E3-Validity-Period" value="1d" /> <messageParam name="X-E3-Confirm-Delivery" value="on" /> <messageParam name="X-E3-Verbose" value="off" /> <messageParam name="X-E3-No-Retry" value="off" /> <messageParam name="X-E3-Silent-Message" value="off" /> </messageParams> </providerAgent>
Add new provider DG1 ( Dialogue )
Add new library : .
Optimized the delivery report message for case "pending" dr
Add new library : . transaction2beepcast-v1.1.04.jar . client2beepcast-v2.2.15.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.59.jar . subscriber2beepcast-v1.2.20.jar . beepcast_dbmanager-v1.1.27.jar . beepcast_onm-v1.2.x/jar/beepcast_onm-v1.2.01.jar . router2beepcast-v1.0.26.jar
There is a changed inside file ./conf/oproperties.xml
<property field="ProviderAgent.BurstSize" value="2" description="Total bursting pipes" /> <property field="ProviderAgent.Threshold" value="100" description="Total messages threshold to refresh the message throughput" />
Support for splitting long message for mblox provider
Add new library : .
Fixed mall formed profile
08.11.2012 11.18.22:752 1689 DEBUG {MbloxAgentThread-MB1.9}MbloxAgent [Provider-MB1] [ProviderMessage-MDM2614000] Composed xml data parameter BeepCastPte6Er2G9bKThis is test incoming basic response. 1982165910934296598394294 08.11.2012 11.18.22:885 1692 DEBUG {MbloxAgentThread-MB1.9}MbloxAgent [Provider-MB1] [ProviderMessage-MDM2614000] Processed the response ( 132 ms ) = <NotificationRequestResult Version="3.5"> BeepCastPte</PartnerName> </PartnerRef> 0</RequestResultCode> OK</RequestResultText> </NotificationResultHeader> <NotificationResult SequenceNumber="1"> 12</NotificationResultCode> malformed Profile</NotificationResultText> </NotificationResult> </NotificationResultList></NotificationRequestResult> 19821 malformed Profile</NotificationResultText>
Fixed originating mask address on mblox provider
08.11.2012 11.07.20:625 1690 DEBUG {MbloxAgentThread-MB1.0}MbloxAgent [Provider-MB1] [ProviderMessage-MDM2613000] Composed xml data parameter BeepCastPte6Er2G9bKThis is test incoming basic response. 19821+65910934296598394294 08.11.2012 11.07.21:067 1693 DEBUG {MbloxAgentThread-MB1.0}MbloxAgent [Provider-MB1] [ProviderMessage-MDM2613000] Processed the response ( 440 ms ) = <NotificationRequestResult Version="3.5"> BeepCastPte</PartnerName> </PartnerRef> 0</RequestResultCode> OK</RequestResultText> </NotificationResultHeader> <NotificationResult SequenceNumber="1"> 5</NotificationResultCode> Sender id not numeric </NotificationResultText> </NotificationResult> </NotificationResultList></NotificationRequestResult> +6591093429 Sender id not numeric </NotificationResultText>
Add mblox provider parser
Add new provider mblox
Add new library : . transaction2beepcast-v1.0.80.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.55.jar . subscriber2beepcast-v1.2.19.jar . dwh_model-v1.0.20.jar . beepcast_database-v1.1.05.jar
Handle new delivery status from sybase , here the sample format :
Received new request , customerId = 23477 , orderId = 1403184264 , status = Message 1 of orderid 1403184264 for number +6590660744 has been filtered on customer request , nmMessage = 1 , subject = , date = 05-07-2012 , time = 05:30:13 , xmlMsg = null
Add extra dn status map code
INSERT INTO dn_status_map ( provider_id , external_status , internal_status , description , active , date_inserted , date_updated ) VALUES ('SB1','4','FAILED-INVALID','Filtered on customer request',1,NOW(),NOW()), ('SB2','4','FAILED-INVALID','Filtered on customer request',1,NOW(),NOW()), ('SB3','4','FAILED-INVALID','Filtered on customer request',1,NOW(),NOW()), ('SB4','4','FAILED-INVALID','Filtered on customer request',1,NOW(),NOW()), ('SB5','4','FAILED-INVALID','Filtered on customer request',1,NOW(),NOW());
Add new library : . model2beepcast-v1.0.53.jar . transaction2beepcast-v1.0.75.jar . dwh_model-v1.0.19.jar . throttle-v1.0.01.jar
Store phone country id field inside gateway log
Add feature to encrypt phone number and content message before store into gateway log table
Add feature to encrypt short code and sender id before store into gateway log table
Add new library : . transaction2beepcast-v1.0.71.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.52.jar . subscriber2beepcast-v1.2.18.jar . dwh_model-v1.0.16.jar . beepcast_encrypt-v1.0.01.jar
The numbers of the provider agent workers can be adjust on the fly
There is changed inside oproperties.xml file
<property field="ProviderAgent.TotalWorkers.EE2" value="25" description="Total agent workers apply for EE2 provider" /> <property field="ProviderAgent.TotalWorkers.SB1" value="25" description="Total agent workers apply for EE2 provider" />
Add new library : . client2beepcast-v2.2.12.jar . subscriber2beepcast-v1.2.13.jar . beepcast_online_properties-v1.0.01.jar
Provide internal java api to handle all incoming delivery report request
Support all gsm 7 bit characters
Add new library : . transaction2beepcast-v1.0.65.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.51.jar . billing2beepcast-v1.1.05.jar . client2beepcast-v2.2.11.jar . subscriber2beepcast-v1.2.12.jar . dwh_model-v1.0.15.jar . beepcast_onm-v1.1.09.jar . beepcast_loadmanagement-v1.2.03.jar
Fixed on the providerApp.listOutgoingProviderIds() method , to include submembers of the active master provider id .
Differentiate between providerMessage's providerId and destinationNode. . providerId is more about profiling . destinationNode is more about the agent worker
Read the connectivity parameters thru the table first as first priority , and use the configuration as a default ( low priority ).
The connectivity parameters are access_url (MT) , access_username , access_password , and listener_url (MO/DR)
Copied all the source code from v2.1.26
Add new library : . beepcast_dbmanager-v1.1.26.jar
Support library to calculate latency inside tyntec provider
Here the sample delivery notification from tyntec
01.09.2011 13.58.14:598 18393265 DEBUG {HttpProcessor[8080][27]}provider_tt1.jsp Received new request , submitdate = 1314847815000 , sender = +6597761798 , stat = DELIVRD , err = 0000 , msgid = 70800-1314847814589+6597761798 , receiver = McDelivery , donedate = 1314856690000 01.09.2011 13.58.14:598 18393266 DEBUG {HttpProcessor[8080][27]}provider_tt1.jsp Setup uri 01.09.2011 13.58.14:598 18393267 DEBUG {HttpProcessor[8080][27]}provider_tt1.jsp Composed http parameters providerId=TT1&status=DELIVRD&statusDate=1314856690000&messageId=70800-1314847814589%2B6597761798
Add new library : .
Clean the dr worker log , put escape java in the messageparams
Add new library : . transaction2beepcast-v1.0.55.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.45.jar . beepcast_dbmanager-v1.1.25.jar
Here the sample response from tyntec , fixed the bug of
<TITLE>Tech-On-Air sender<\/TITLE><\/HEAD>OKMessageID(s):
<\/BODY><\/HTML> -
There is a change inside and provider.xml file
Add new provider connector to tyntec
Add new library : . transaction2beepcast-v1.0.54.jar . client2beepcast-v2.2.09.jar . billing2beepcast-v1.1.04.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.44.jar . subscriber2beepcast-v1.2.05.jar . dwh_model-v1.0.12.jar . beepcast_dbmanager-v1.1.24.jar . beepcast_onm-v1.1.06.jar
Add feature to track the load of the delivery report from each provider
. Use below code hit params to track the load dr internal status :
String hdrProf = LoadManagement.HDRPROF_PROVIDER; String conType = LoadManagement.CONTYPE_SMSDR; StringBuffer sbName = new StringBuffer(); sbName.append( providerMessage.getProviderId() ); sbName.append( "-" ); sbName.append( providerMessage.getInternalStatus() ); loadMng.hit( hdrProf , conType , sbName.toString() , 1 , true , true );
Add new library : . transaction2beepcast-v1.0.47.jar . client2beepcast-v2.2.06.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.40.jar . subscriber2beepcast-v1.2.02.jar . beepcast_dbmanager-v1.1.21.jar . beepcast_encrypt-v1.0.00.jar
On sybase provider , checked if the response orderid has many it will capture only the latest message id reference
Add new library : . transaction2beepcast-v1.0.45.jar . client2beepcast-v2.2.03.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.38.jar . subscriber2beepcast-v1.1.04.jar
Change Provider Api , differentiate which are list of incoming and outgoing provider ids .
Add new library : . beepcast_dbmanager-v1.1.19.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.37.jar
Add util function to decode character ( ucs2 ) from sybase .
Found bugs :
24.08.2010 16.29.05:456 2064 ERROR {ProviderManagementThread?}DatabaseLibrary? [transactiondb] Failed to execute the batch , java.sql.BatchUpdateException?: No value specified for parameter 8
Add session id inside sybase provider , when there is a message with reference id . Put field name "SYBASE_SESSION_ID" inside optional params of provider message , this field will trigger SybaseAgent to store on the request body message .
Restructure provider message , put optional params as map to handle costumized params for particular provider
Add new library : . transaction2beepcast-v1.0.34.jar . client2beepcast-v2.2.02.jar . billing2beepcast-v1.1.03.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.34.jar . subscriber2beepcast-v1.1.03.jar . dwh_model-v1.0.09.jar . beepcast_dbmanager-v1.1.15.jar
will used providerMessage.destination property to identified which connection will be used ( this only apply for jatis provider )
fixed message unicode encoding for mach , found bugs inside StrUtil.converToHexString() function
found provider conf is too complex , separated became : providerConf and providerConfFactory
there are changes inside the way of init provider conf call
create jatisiodAgent java class , it will do the jatis mt transaction
update status table :
INSERT INTO dn_status_map ( provider_id , external_status , internal_status , delivered , submitted , description , active , date_inserted , date_updated ) VALUES ( 'JI1' , '0' , 'DELIVERED' , 1 , 1 , 'Success' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'JI1' , '-1' , 'FAILED' , 0 , 0 , 'Failed' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'JI1' , '-2' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 'Invalid User ID and Password' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'JI1' , '-3' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 'Parameters not valid' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'JI1' , '-4' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 'Guid not valid' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'JI1' , 'ERROR-NOPROVIDER' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 'Internal - No Available Provider' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'JI1' , 'ERROR-NOCONNECTION' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 'Internal - No Available Connection' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'JI1' , 'FAILED-CONNECTION' , 'FAILED' , 0 , 0 , 'Internal - Failed to connect to provider' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) ;
update provider table :
INSERT INTO provider ( provider_id , provider_name , short_code , access_url , access_username , access_password , description , active , date_inserted , date_updated ) VALUES ( 'JI1' , 'JatisIod' , '9333' , 'http://' , 'goodboy' , 'goodboy', 'Jatis IOD Provider' , 0 , NOW() , NOW() ) ;
change configuration provider file , add jatis iod provider agent :
<providerAgent class="com.beepcast.api.provider.agent.JatisiodAgent" providerId="JI1" enabled="true" queueSize="500" worker="5" sleep="100"> <Connections enableErrorCheck="false" maxErrorTolerant="10"> <Connection protocol="http" remoteHost="${}" remotePort="${}" remotePath="${}" /> <Connection protocol="http" remoteHost="${}" remotePort="${}" remotePath="${}" /> <Connection protocol="http" remoteHost="${}" remotePort="${}" remotePath="${}" /> <Connection protocol="http" remoteHost="${}" remotePort="${}" remotePath="${}" /> </Connections> <messageParams> <messageParam name="channel" value="SMS" /> <messageParam name="servicetype" value="DTM" /> <messageParam name="chargingid" value="9333_1000" /> <messageParam name="media" value="GOODBOY" /> <messageParam name="sidcontent" value="ALL" /> </messageParams> </providerAgent>
add new Jatis provider : . will named JI for "Text Based Info On Demand API" . will named JP for "Push Message API"
. support for mo message . support for mt message . support for the session flow ( mo + mt ) .
restructure DRServlet : . add new parameter to store provider status date time , statusDate ( long format ) . add new parameter to store legacy provider querystring , externalParams( base64 format )
. execute sql below
ADD COLUMNexternal_params
VARCHAR(512) AFTERdescription
; -
add new library : . transaction2beepcast-v1.0.24.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.26.jar
add new status map with sql below :
INSERT INTO dn_status_map ( provider_id , external_status , internal_status , retry , description , active , date_inserted , date_updated ) VALUES ( 'CG4' , 'ERROR-NOPROVIDER' , 'ERROR' , 1 , 'Internal - No Available Provider' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'CG4' , 'ERROR-NOCONNECTION' , 'ERROR' , 1 , 'Internal - No Available Connection' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'CG4' , 'FAILED-CONNECTION' , 'FAILED' , 1 , 'Internal - Failed to connect to provider' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'MB1' , 'ERROR-NOPROVIDER' , 'ERROR' , 1 , 'Internal - No Available Provider' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'MB1' , 'ERROR-NOCONNECTION' , 'ERROR' , 1 , 'Internal - No Available Connection' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'MB1' , 'FAILED-CONNECTION' , 'FAILED' , 1 , 'Internal - Failed to connect to provider' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'EE1' , 'ERROR-NOPROVIDER' , 'ERROR' , 1 , 'Internal - No Available Provider' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'EE1' , 'ERROR-NOCONNECTION' , 'ERROR' , 1 , 'Internal - No Available Connection' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'EE1' , 'FAILED-CONNECTION' , 'FAILED' , 1 , 'Internal - Failed to connect to provider' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , 'ERROR-NOPROVIDER' , 'ERROR' , 1 , 'Internal - No Available Provider' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , 'ERROR-NOCONNECTION' , 'ERROR' , 1 , 'Internal - No Available Connection' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , 'FAILED-CONNECTION' , 'FAILED' , 1 , 'Internal - Failed to connect to provider' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) ;
when found failed connect to provider , the transaction shall be retryable . but still configurable .
add new library : . transaction2beepcast-v1.0.23.jar . model2beepcast-v1.0.24.jar . subscriber2beepcast-v1.0.02.jar . dwh_model-v1.0.08.jar
There is a race condition when the diff between old and new throughput small , so when there is a diff throughput , there shall be a delay ( sleep ) to clean all the internal agent channel and than start the process with the new throughput .
Create feature to setup maximum throughput in every provider , the variable througput can be changed on the fly .
Make the capacity of internal agent queue is based on the total worker thread x ( n times ) , n times is a variable more less than more sensitif to recognize the througput .
set retry configuration on the fly .
need to expand field description in the dn_buffer table , with sql below :
MODIFY COLUMNdescription
VARCHAR(512) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL ;this description field will be used for message params field .
add debug configurable in the provider xml
when the provider machine response with failed status , it shall set debit = 0
Because the debit perform in the transaction module , so this message shall also do the refund ( credit ) , and it will re-debit if found the submitted response message ,
But this mechanism is configurable on the fly .
fix bugs when type enter character for sybase provider
add new library : . model2beepcast-v1.0.10.jar . transaction2beepcast-v1.0.12.jar
create provider message factory
update provider message constant field :
public static final int CONTENTTYPE_SMSTEXT = 0; public static final int CONTENTTYPE_SMSBINARY = 1; public static final int CONTENTTYPE_SMSUNICODE = 2; public static final int CONTENTTYPE_MMS = 3;
public static final String MESSAGETYPE_SMSMO = "SMS.MO"; public static final String MESSAGETYPE_SMSMT = "SMS.MT"; public static final String MESSAGETYPE_SMSDR = "SMS.DR"; public static final String MESSAGETYPE_MMSMO = "MMS.MO"; public static final String MESSAGETYPE_MMSMT = "MMS.MT"; public static final String MESSAGETYPE_MMSDR = "MMS.DR";
change the way to insert into gateway log table : . there is a changes inside the gateway log fields . change inside the MTRespWorker batch
Add additional parameter to support maximum split only for EE provider : . change the configuration provider.xml file , add split tag in the EE Provider Agent
Add additional parameter to support split enable for SB provider : . change the configuration provider.xml file , add setup split tag int the SB Provider Agent
Fix the bugs when found queue full , the capacity and size shall be matched .
Add management email alert when : . provider is inactive . provider is active . provider is queue full
Change the order of onm library , and set provider app into onm ( dependent library )
Add new library : . onm library v1.1.00
Differentiate between status SybaseAck and SMSCAck
public static final String EXTERNAL_STATUS_SUBMITTED = "0"; public static final String EXTERNAL_STATUS_DELIVERED = "1"; public static final String EXTERNAL_STATUS_SYBASE_ACK = "2"; public static final String EXTERNAL_STATUS_SMSC_ACK = "3";
add more status for those :
INSERT INTO dn_status_map ( provider_id , external_status , internal_status , retry , delivered , submitted , ignored , description , active , date_inserted , date_updated ) VALUES ( 'SB1' , '2' , 'SUBMITTED' , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 'Sybase Ack' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '3' , 'SUBMITTED' , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 'SMSC Ack' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) ;
Found invalid delivery notification's status code , there is failed to parse only for invalid status
0x ( o octal ) -> 0x ( zero )
Found invalid external message id :
02.07.2009 14.42.51:465 580 DEBUG {SybaseAgentThread-0}SybaseAgent [Provider-SB1] [ProviderMessage-MDM43000] Processed the response ( 793 ms ) = </HEAD>
#Message Receive correctly
ORDERID= 1149607999
</BODY></HTML> 02.07.2009 14.42.51:465 581 DEBUG {SybaseAgentThread-0}SybaseAgent [Provider-SB1] [ProviderMessage-MDM43000] Found external status = 0, e xternal messageId = 1149607999The problem because the messageId has tag
. -
Can not connect to sybase provider :
02.07.2009 11.09.59:804 456 DEBUG {SybaseAgentThread-2}SybaseAgent [Provider-SB1] [ProviderMessage-MDM42000] Composed httpBodyReqs = [MS ISDN]\nList=+6590517715\n[MESSAGE]\nText=Test Event Basic Beepcast 1\n[SETUP]\nAckType=Message\nMobileNotification=Yes\nValidityPeriod=1d
nAckReplyAddress=\nOriginatingAdress=91114589\n[END]\n 02.07.2009 11.10.00:612 459 WARNING {SybaseAgentThread-2}SybaseAgent [Provider-SB1] [ProviderMessage-MDM42000] Found failed to connect to remoteHost - the problem , there is invalid field named : OriginatingAdress , shall be : OriginatingAddress
Create library to parse delivery status code from sybase
When shows the message content shall escape with java
Add authorization encode base64 in the sybase agent
Fixed bugs that system load management always shows zero
Add new api to provide list of avilable provider ids
Add new record retry able
INSERT INTO dn_status_map ( provider_id , external_status , internal_status , retry , description , active , date_inserted , date_updated ) VALUES ( 'SB1' , 'FAILED-RETRYABLE' , 'FAILED-RETRYABLE' , 1 , '' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) ;
Added dn_status_map record in the table for SB1 provider ...
INSERT INTO dn_status_map ( provider_id , external_status , internal_status , retry , delivered , submitted , ignored , description , active , date_inserted , date_updated ) VALUES ( 'SB1' , '0' , 'SUBMITTED' , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 'Queued' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '1' , 'DELIVERED' , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 'Delivered' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) ,
( 'SB1' , '5001' , 'FAILED-RETRYABLE' , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Server currently unavailable' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '5002' , 'FAILED-RETRYABLE' , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Server currently unavailable' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '5003' , 'FAILED-RETRYABLE' , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Server currently unavailable' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '5004' , 'FAILED-RETRYABLE' , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Server currently unavailable' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '5005' , 'FAILED-RETRYABLE' , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Server currently unavailable' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '5006' , 'FAILED-RETRYABLE' , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Server currently unavailable' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) ,
( 'SB1' , '600F' , 'AUTH FAILED' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Authentication failure' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) ,
( 'SB1' , '6010' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Bad format for field DCS' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '6011' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Bad format for field PID' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '6012' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Bad format for field MobileAck' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '6013' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Bad format for field AckType' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '6017' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Bad format or missing field Text' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '6018' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Bad format or missing field List' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '6019' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Bad format for field List' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) ,
( 'SB1' , '601A' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Bad format for field Class' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '6024' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Bad format for field ValidityPeriod' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '6026' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Bad format or missing field DestinationPort' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '6028' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Bad format or missing field Length' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '6029' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Bad format or missing field Binary' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) ,
( 'SB1' , '602A' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Found invalid character' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '602B' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Found invalid length' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '6030' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Error when process the message' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '6100' , 'ERROR' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Error when process the message' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) ,
( 'SB1' , '8000' , 'FAILED-RETRYABLE' , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Server currently unavailable' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) ,
( 'SB1' , '450E' , 'SUBMITTED' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 'Sybase Ack' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '450A' , 'SUBMITTED' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 'SMSC Ack' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '451A' , 'DELIVERED' , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 'Handset Ack' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) ,
( 'SB1' , 'DBF3' , 'FAILED' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 'Sybase is retrying delivery' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) ,
( 'SB1' , '4524' , 'FAILED-INVALID' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'MSISDN is blacklisted' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , '4503' , 'FAILED-INVALID' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'No operator found for current MSISDN' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , 'DB05' , 'FAILED' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Call bared by operator' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , 'DB52' , 'FAILED' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Failed Message Delivery' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , 'DB76' , 'FAILED-INVALID' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Subscriber does not permit service' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) ,
( 'SB1' , 'DB99' , 'FAILED' , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Ported Number' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) ,
( 'SB1' , 'DB62' , 'FAILED' , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Failed Message Delivery' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , 'DB65' , 'FAILED' , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Validity Period Expired' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) , ( 'SB1' , 'DB78' , 'FAILED' , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 'Subscriber is temporarily out of credit' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) ;
Add configuration to enable / disable monitoring with url ping
Create ini file library to support sybase api
Add new provider record in the table , named sybase .
INSERT INTO provider ( provider_id , provider_name , short_code , access_url , access_username , access_password , description , active , date_inserted , date_updated ) VALUES ( 'SB1' , 'Sybase365' , '' , '' , 'beepcast_p36501' , 'mafMdK6e' , 'Sybase365 Provider' , 1 , NOW() , NOW() ) ;
Created a module library to perform base64 result ( http digest )
Restructure the provider app in order to ease to manage : . Created MtSendWorker object to handle the sender agent . Created provider API to standard the interface , with example client request below :
String providerId = "SB1"; ProviderApp providerApp = ProviderApp.getInstance(); ProviderMessage providerMessage = generateProviderMessage( providerId ); if ( providerApp.sendMessage( providerMessage ) ) { System.out.println( "Successfully send message" ); }
Create provider Sybase365 simulator , to ease perform the testing
Add new provider connection named Sybase365 , code name SB1 . protocol : http
Create RandomPriorityProviderGenerator Class Variable .
In the ProviderApp support function to generate list of available provider .
not show the queue information if found all items are zero .
during the startup , the each of provider management shall validate connection .
every provider has a max http error tolerate in the connections level
simplified provider agent engine , to make easy to create another engine agent .
add feature to set readtimeout and connectiontimeout in every http provider
. please add java property below : # connection time out ~ 30 second(s) it will shown as log below : 27.04.2009 10.10.50:390 89 DEBUG {End2endAgentThread-1}End2endAgent [INT_1240798250078] Created the request to remoteUrl http://localhost:9702/ee_one 27.04.2009 10.11.50:390 116 DEBUG {End2endAgentThread-1}End2endAgent [INT_1240798250078] Processed the reponse ( 60000 ms ) = +OK01
. please add java property below : # read time out ~ 30 second(s) 27.04.2009 10.09.23:765 89 DEBUG {End2endAgentThread-4}End2endAgent [INT_1240798163468] Created the request to remoteUrl http://localhost:9702/ee_one 27.04.2009 10.09.54:281 103 WARNING {End2endAgentThread-4}End2endAgent [INT_1240798163468] Found failed to connect to remoteHost - http://localhost:9702/ee_one
. property connection timeout is the max timeout value ( sec ) from client trying to connect to server . property read timeout is the max timeout value ( sec ) from client after succeed connect trying to read response to server
- changed the external messageId to use numeric format only for MB1 ( MBlox ) Provider .
use the new dbmanager library v1.1.04
fixed bugs : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.beepcast.dbmanager.Fetch.execute(Lcom/beepcast/dbmanager/Record;Z)Lcom/beepcast/dbmanager/Record; at com.beepcast.api.provider.agent.End2endAgent.getProvider( at com.beepcast.api.provider.agent.End2endAgent.sendMessage( at com.beepcast.api.provider.agent.End2endAgent.access$7( at com.beepcast.api.provider.agent.End2endAgent$
fixed bugs : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.beepcast.dbmanager.Fetch.execute(Lcom/beepcast/dbmanager/Record;Z)Lcom/beepcast/dbmanager/Record; at com.beepcast.api.provider.agent.End2endAgent.getProvider( at com.beepcast.api.provider.agent.End2endAgent.sendMessage( at com.beepcast.api.provider.agent.End2endAgent.access$7( at com.beepcast.api.provider.agent.End2endAgent$
use a new java library dbmanager-v1.1.03
use a new library beepcast_properties-v2.0.00 , so in the configuration level can use alias
add feature to separate internal and external messageId
. create index inside the gateway_log : external_message_id . every incoming message from send_buffer with its messageId will trigger as internal messageId . before sending the message to provider , the process must insert both internal and external messageId . for provider EE1 & MB1 the external will use the same with internal messageId . for provider CG4 the external will depend on the provider response . as correlation with dr from provider it will compare to external messageId . the status will process as original , nothing to change
change the sql escape
. SqlUtil.encode() -> StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql()
- add parameter field named : channelSessionId in the ProviderMessage
- fixed the MTResponse.extractMsg to use List ( changed from array of ProviderMessage )
- forward information from send_buffer.channel_session_id into gateway_log.channel_session_id
- update the new dbmanager library -v1.1.02
- fixed wrong mapping dn status map , find the fetch mechanism make sure all use a new instance .
- fixed util DateTimeFormat to String to support null input parameter Date
- removed the PROVIDER_ID const inside every MtAgentWorker Impl object , make it configurable based on conf file
- use java the reflection to create instance of provider as MtAgentWorker
- add end2end provider
- add sms binary feature for commzgate and mblox
- add latency calculation for DRServlet response
- add priority feature for delivery report , especially for status retryable
- add configurable priority for dn process , additional xml inside the provider.xml
- add utf-8 for response to provider in DRServlet & MOServlet -> "text/html; charset=utf-8"
- add ignored status at dn_status_map table
; - support unicode message
- there must flag to differentiate between Ascii and Uni Message
add retry mechanism from response mt message perspective
add provider agent capability
add batch insert for MTResp Worker
map for unknown external status to NON-ROUTEABLE internal status , and configurable
fixed mblox agent to supply feature add profile inside the notification request
fixed mblox agent to supply feature retry based on retry tag inside notification service
fixed commzgate agent to set destinationNumber of MT Message without plus sign but still use the international format
disabled agent which is not inactive
fixed mblox agent to support senderId with diff type : Alpha , Numeric or Shortcode
add recordId and retry field information in the providerMessage Record
add send dr retry only for mblox agent , because they provider flag in the http mt response body
add sleep in the dr servlet perseptive the size of the queue
first , insert all dr transaction into the dn_buffer
create new table to receive the dn transaction
; CREATE TABLEbeepcast
int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,provider_id
varchar(10) NOT NULL,message_id
varchar(30) NOT NULL,external_status
varchar(50) NOT NULL,internal_status
varchar(50) default NULL,description
varchar(50) default NULL,date_inserted
datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (dn_id
integrate with the api client v2.0.00
- integrate with the api client v1.0.05
- set XXXX for the thread name to differentiate
- ProviderMOWorkerThread-99
- ProviderDRWorkerThread-99
added the new field at gateway_log table named status_date_tm , this field will set every time the status is updated sql_command :
ADD COLUMNstatus_date_tm
; -
added the new field at gateway_log table named external_status , this field will save all the status from provider sql command : ALTER TABLE
ADD COLUMNexternal_status
; -
separated status into : externalStatus and internalStatus
added feature to still add status delivery notification if there is no matched in the status dn map
added delivery status map mechanism
used the dbmanager cache menchanism
optimized the lock object when performing dr sql batch
integrate with the api client v1.0.04
- integrate with the client api
- put the dr message information into client dr api
- integrate with module loadmanagement
- provider api for mo and dr
- every request mo / dr goes to the queue first
- add worker to process mo
- add worker to process dr
- have a speciality for sql statement to use batch
- add all transaction to cdr first for backup ( in case the db is down )