MLOps Assignment 2 Installation Install Apache Airflow: Install Dependencies: Copy code pip install -r requirements.txt Usage Start the Airflow Web Server: css Copy code airflow webserver --port 8081 Start the Airflow Scheduler: Copy code airflow scheduler Access the Airflow Web Interface: Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:8081. You can trigger DAG runs and monitor their execution from the Airflow web interface. Directory Structure graphql Copy code mlops-airflow/ ├── dags/ │ └── # Apache Airflow DAG script ├── scripts/ │ └── # Python script for data extraction └──── processed_data.csv # Processed data stored on Google Drive Contributing License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details. Acknowledgements Thanks to Apache Airflow for providing a powerful platform for workflow automation. Special thanks to DVC for enabling efficient data version control.