- 1
payment methods
#104 opened by fst168 - 1
Add verification of hash of jar file
#114 opened by ManfredKarrer - 0
Class cast exception on startup
#161 opened by ripcurlx - 3
Post-Segwit Litecoin Addresses Don't Work
#16 opened by console-cowboy - 2
Round fiat values to fewer significant figures
#101 opened by sqrrm - 0
Fix bug with Sepa offers and Sepa instant taker
#117 opened by ManfredKarrer - 8
remove bitcoinj dependency
#105 opened by piem - 4
Extract bisq.asset package to its own repository
#99 opened by blabno - 2
Where's the validate logic for XMR?
#46 opened by jared201 - 2
Error while building the source
#56 opened by jared201 - 1
- 2
BSQ tx confirmation count is wrong
#6 opened by sqrrm - 1
Failed to compile
#17 opened by wqking