
implementation of RabbitMQ dead letter queue feature with Spring Boot

Primary LanguageJava


implementation of RabbitMQ dead letter queue feature with Spring Boot

The dead letter exchange feature can be implement using topic, funout and direct. Whenever failure occurs during processing a message fetched from a queue, RabbitMQ checks if there is a dead letter exchange configured for that queue.

If there is one configured via x-dead-letter-exchange argument then it routes the failed messages to it with the original routing key. This routing key can be overridden via the x-dead-letter-routing-key argument.

When failure happens and message routed to dead letter queue, the Message header map key xdeath contains sufficient information about message failure like :


- the name of the queue the message was in before it was dead-lettered,


- reason of rejection or failure


- the date and time the message was dead lettered as a 64-bit AMQP format timestamp,


- the exchange the message was published to (note that this will be a dead letter exchange if the message is dead lettered multiple times),


- the routing keys (including CC keys but excluding BCC ones) the message was published with


- how many times this message was dead-lettered in this queue for this reason

Here Reason and Count could be your best guy to implement your custom logic.