
Spring-Boot social-network

Primary LanguageHTML


SpringBoot Social-network.



  • Login/Logout
  • Registration
  • View own profile
  • View other users profiles
  • Follow some user or unfollow
  • Make a post
  • Edit or delete your post
  • Add image for post
  • Search posts by tag
  • Leave a comment
  • Edit or delete your comment
  • Delete your comment
  • Leave like/dislike on post
  • Send private message to any user
  • Edit profile(change email, password, profile image)
  • If you forgot you password you can reset your password by email
  • Implemented pagination


  • Edit any user's profile
  • Give admin rights to any user

Technologies used


  • Java 14
  • Spring: SpringBoot, MVC, Data JPA, Security, Mail
  • Maven
  • Mysql
  • Thymleaf
  • Javascript
  • Html, CSS, Bootstrap
  • Flyway Migration
  • Test: JUnit, Mockito
  • MailTrap to get messages


  • Heroku


  1. Download the zip file or clone the repository: git clone hhttps://github.com/MaximRom00/Social-network.git
  2. Create Mysql database. Set username and password in src/main/resources/application.yaml
  3. Run this application using maven: Run the app using maven:
mvn spring-boot:run

The app will start running at http://localhost:8081.

Application is available on Heroku

Link: https://spring-social-network.herokuapp.com/

Credentials for Admin:

  • login: Max
  • passwrod: 1

Credentials for User:

  • login: user
  • passwrod: 2

Credentials for User:

  • login: anton
  • passwrod: a


Login Form

1 Login Page

Registration Form

2 Registration Form

Private message page

4 Private Message

User's profile

6 User profile