November 14, 2019
Every year thousands of families plan on adopting a child while another thousands plan on aborting a pregnancy. Questions such as Should I adopt a newborn? How can I adopt? Cross the minds of hopeful parents while those who want to abort either cannot afford a baby, are sometimes too young or have relationship problems. This could be overcome, from one helping hand to another. This application will allow families who wish to adopt get in touch with mothers who wish to go ahead with their pregnancy through proper counseling and monetary support from the hospital and bank go through with their pregnancy.
Application Key Entities
- Adoption Organization
- Abortion Organization
- Counselor Organization
- Banker Organization
Key Functionalities
Adoption Family:-
- Family that are looking to adopt should create their profile by providing all the necessary in- formation which will be accepted upon approval from the Counselor post verification of documents.
- Once the Birth mother has been confirmed, the family should be allowed to create a meet- ing request, provide funds for health of mother and child through the bank and would also stay informed about monthly progress of the mother.
Birth Mother :-
- The birth mother who comes into the hospital with various reasons for adoption should cre- ate a profile post which they will be assigned a counselor by the admin.
- Upon completion of counseling the mother is allowed to either Abort or Go Ahead with the pregnancy.
- If she wishes to go ahead then, the application will automatically show her a list of families looking to adopt. She can view each family records and schedule meetings with each of them to learn more.
- The Birth mother would also be able to request for monetary help from banks, get funds from the chosen adoptive parents and appropriate health care.
- Once logged in, the birth mother should be able to view the funds transferred by the adop- tive parents, health reports, progress cards, stay in touch with the counselor and get con- stant updates about the stages of pregnancy through mail.
Counselor :
- The Counselor plays a crucial role as he approves the family profiles after verifying the docu- ments.
- Once logged in they are shown the birth mother profile such that they understand the rea- sons for abortion, which trimester etc.
- Each case is handled individually by the counselor and he keeps a check on the patient health and welfare.
- The Counselor gives the birth mother all the valid reasons to go ahead with the pregnancy, provides details about the bank & family funds.
- If the Birth mother agrees to have the child then the Counselor triggers the go ahead request and the Birth Mother is send an intimation about the same with list of adoptive families.
- Every Birth mother that comes into the hospital is redirected to the counselor for proper guidance hence each counselor has a limit of patients they can attend at a time.
Bank Organization :-
- Bank can approve the amount of funds requested by the Birth mother and adoptive family, based on the financial documents provided by them at the time of application.
- Once a family registered with the bank, is selected as an adoptive parents, the Bank will also send the money to the selected Birth Mother.
Owner Organization :-
- Owner organization is the unit which manages the other functioning of other branches of the system.
- It ensures that every user/ individual in the work area is provided with an Counsellor and has access to the resources in the network.
- The owner organization is also the unit that accepts or rejects the final user request that is put forward from the User Account Directory.