A comfortable and well-configurable graphical frontend for incremental backups using rsync, with a command-line version also available. Modified files are transferred, while unchanged files are linked to the new folder using rsync's hard link feature, saving storage space. Restoring is straightforward via file manager or command line.
- akki42
- AranjedeathRichard Carlton Consulting, Inc.
- bentolorUlm, Germany
- Coshibu
- datahwc
- edubxb@seedtag
- EothredEuropean Spallation Source ERIC
- francescogiannoccaro
- GermarGermany
- Greqs
- ikunyaJapan
- intricationsIntrications
- Itxaka@Spectrocloud
- jaredpatton173United States
- jfern01KYGUNCO
- lightonflux
- linguistgateSalt Lake City
- maddogie
- manutiMálaga, Spain
- mauromolPino Torinese
- mhoeherDresden, Germany
- moritzreiter
- onemouth
- phil-oppKarlsruhe, Germany
- RGPaulGermany
- robinroMunich, Germany
- roflmaoOslo
- sbancalT2i
- slmingolSomewhere in the contintental US
- sojusnik
- Suor
- themotu
- UffeJakobsen
- versus167Chemnitz, Germany
- visig9
- webwurst