
Crawler that searches for contact email on a given list of sites. It can work in parallel and with Apache HttpClient or Selenium WebDriver

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


  1. RUN

  2. TODO

1) RUN

  • change properties in src/main/resources/fec.properties
    • you can choose to run single-threaded (+webdriver) / or multi-threaded (only tested with Apache HTTP client)
  • for webdriver run:
    • install xvfb so you can run firefox headless with webdriver
      • on Linux, apt-get install xvfb
    • sudo Xvfb :10 -ac ;starts Xvfb
    • in another window do
      • export DISPLAY :10
      • java -jar fec-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar


    • check http client to add timeout, for sites that do not load
    • parse all sites and display results
    • display results in xlsx
    • add crawl logic, to parse all pages of a site with a specified depth
    • add custom logic for sites that do not match
      • added contact url parse and follow
      • added meta http refresh parse and follow
      • added frames parse and follow, still doesn't work properly
          • after first frame follow, the email rules should get the content from each frame and parse that
          • need to add an extra isFrameSite param for that, when true, email rules parse on frame content, not just page content
    • add threads
        • work fine now, only with HttpClient, I added timeouts for lazy sites
    • make selenium webdriver work with multiple threads