
Youtube downloader

Primary LanguageGoThe UnlicenseUnlicense

WIP - Youtube downloader in GO

Simple cli to fetch video information from a youtube account (playlists, liked, history).

Uses Google Youtube Go SDK.


  • integrate with GO SDK to pull video information for user
  • add downloading video (mp3) for a video ID
  • download videos to a specific folder (right now it just outputs video ids from Google Youtube API - downloading needs to be called separately from Downloader)
  • add Youtube history support
  • advanced cli options
  • run as server


To run you need a ./resources/client_secret.json file with Youtube Data API v3 OAUTH2 API credentials file. You can set secret and api key through env vars. !!! Also used in tests.

Example run :

go run main.go -apiKey ... -clientSecret ./resources/client_secret.json

Example tests:

go test -v  -cover ./...

Application will ask user to get Oauth token from browser using a generated url - get token from browser redirect and input back to program console. Subsequent calls will reuses saved auth details.

Youtube information

Uses GO SDK to parse playlist and video information

Youtube video download

Uses downloader code from https://github.com/kkdai/youtube