
A vim plugin to create projects from templates.

Primary LanguageVim Script


A vim plugin to create projects from templates.

Very much a work in progress.

Very much a personal project created for my own needs.

But if you find it useful, go for it.


The plugin provides a command called VpMake. You can map this to your keys of choice.

Running the command will prompt you for a project type and then a path.

The path must not already exist.

Template files will be copied to that location and you will be cded into that location ready to code.


  1. Go. A bare minimum Golang project.
  2. BLGG. A graphics animation creation project using https://github.com/bit101/blgg
  3. Node. A bare bones node js project.
  4. Web. A bare bones html/js project.

Templates are hard coded in the autoload dir of the plugin for now and are very custom. Long range, they could move into a configurable location and be even more teplatizable.