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A very simple crawler

This tool can crawl a bunch of URLs for HTML content, and save the results in a nice WARC file. It has little control over its traffic, save for a limit on concurrent outbound requests. An external tool like trickle can be used to limit bandwidth.

Its main purpose is to quickly and efficiently save websites for archival purposes.

The crawl tool saves its state in a database, so it can be safely interrupted and restarted without issues.


Assuming you have a proper Go environment setup, you can install this package by running:

$ go get git.autistici.org/ale/crawl/cmd/crawl

This should install the crawl binary in your $GOPATH/bin directory.


Just run crawl by passing the URLs of the websites you want to crawl as arguments on the command line:

$ crawl http://example.com/

By default, the tool will store the output WARC file and its own temporary crawl database in the current directory. This can be controlled with the --output and --state command-line options.

The crawling scope is controlled with a set of overlapping checks:

  • URL scheme must be one of http or https
  • URL must have one of the seeds as a prefix (an eventual www. prefix is implicitly ignored)
  • maximum crawling depth can be controlled with the --depth option
  • resources related to a page (CSS, JS, etc) will always be fetched, even if on external domains, unless the --exclude-related option is specified

If the program is interrupted, running it again with the same command line from the same directory will cause it to resume crawling from where it stopped. At the end of a successful crawl, the temporary crawl database will be removed (unless you specify the --keep option, for debugging purposes).

It is possible to tell the crawler to exclude URLs matching specific regex patterns by using the --exclude or --exclude-from-file options. These option may be repeated multiple times. The crawler comes with its own builtin set of URI regular expressions meant to avoid calendars, admin panels of common CMS applications, and other well-known pitfalls. This list is sourced from the ArchiveBot project.

If you're running a larger crawl, the tool can be told to rotate the output WARC files when they reach a certain size (100MB by default, controlled by the --output-max-size flag. To do so, make sure the --output option contains somewhere the literal token %s, which will be replaced by a unique identifier every time a new file is created, e.g.:

$ crawl --output=out-%s.warc.gz http://example.com/


Like most crawlers, this one has a number of limitations:

  • it completely ignores robots.txt. You can make such policy decisions yourself by turning the robots.txt into a list of patterns to be used with --exclude-from-file.
  • it does not embed a Javascript engine, so Javascript-rendered elements will not be detected.
  • CSS parsing is limited (uses regular expressions), so some url() resources might not be detected.
  • it expects reasonably well-formed HTML, so it may fail to extract links from particularly broken pages.
  • support for <object> and <video> tags is limited.


Send bugs and patches to ale@incal.net.