
Vim Hero is my customized Vim that I mainly use for web development and Python coding.

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Vim Hero

Vim Hero is my customized Vim that I mainly use for web development and Python coding.

If you want to try it just run the setup.sh file after cloning the repo.

Some basic commands:

  • Switch between tabs - forwards: CTRL + PAGE UP
  • Switch between tabs - backwards: CTRL + PAGE DOWN
  • Switch between splitted panes: First press CTRL + w, after releasing press an ARROW key.


Vim Hero contains several must have plugins for Vim.

For beautiful video tutorials visit -> http://net.tutsplus.com/sessions/vim-essential-plugins/

  • Nerd Commenter:

    For easily commenting multiple lines.


    Type \cc to comment a line.

    Type 5\cc to comment 5 lines. You got the idea.

  • Vim Surround:

    For surrounding any selected phrase or word with tags or quotation marks.


    • (S)urround (W)ord with <div>: csw <div>

    • (S)urround (P)aragraph with ": csp"

  • Vim Easy Motion:

    For easily jumping to a specific word in the viewport.

    Press \\w to open jumping mode. Then press one of the colored letters on the screen to instantly jump there.

  • Sparkup:

    An amazingly fast way to write HTML.



    ul > li.item-$*3 > strong

    Then you press CTRL + e and the code above expands as:

        <li class="item-1"><strong></strong></li>
        <li class="item-2"><strong></strong></li>
        <li class="item-3"><strong></strong></li>
  • Snipmate:

    For using predefined snippets while coding.

    Example: for<TAB> instantly creates a for loop which can after be edited easily.

  • Nerd Tree:

    For browsing files. You can toggle it with F10 key.

    • Open file: <ENTER>
    • Open file in split pane: i
    • Open file in new tab: t
    • Open file in new background tab: SHIFT + t
  • Tag Bar:

    NOTE: You have to install ctags before using this plugin.

    For listing and jumping to the members of the module; variables, classes, methods. Use CTRL + T to toggle.

    And use the "moving through splitted panes" key binding to navigate.

  • Vim Powerline:

    A super cool and informative status bar for Vim.

  • Syntastic:

    On the fly syntax checking. Very helpful while coding. Instantly shows errors on the screen.

    For a complete error list: :Errors

  • Vim Autoclose:

    For auto closing quotation marks.

    Press F7 to toggle this behavior.

  • Vim Toggle Mouse:

    Toggle mouse. When mouse is on, exploring files, objects and changing tabs is some a bit easier.

    Press F6 to toggle mouse.


Complete Repository List of Vim Hero Plugins