Advanced OpenShift Build Pipeline Example
This Project is an example OpenShift Jenkins Pipeline and it's based on the following example
instead of injecting the jenkinsfile directly as part of the template, this example links a Jenkinsfile located in the Git Repository next to the source code of your application.
As addition the jenkins file contains also the following features:
- scm Polling
- Job Logrotation
- Notification if an error occured
In this example we use multiple different OpenShift projects:
- builder-project (Jenkins and resulting Images)
- prod-project
The Images are built in the builder-project and then promoted from stage to stage, dev to prod.
Builder Project
Instantiate Pipeline and Example Project
oc new-app -f
the Jenkins and Jenkinsslave is instantiated automatically, the pipeline can now be triggered via Bulds --> Pipeline
Promote to Production
To be able to read images from the builder project, the prod project needs puller rigts
oc policy add-role-to-group system:image-puller system:serviceaccounts:prod-project -n builder-project
update the tag on the prod project, to promote the new image
oc tag builder-project/image:latest prod-project/image:latest
- add custom jenkins buildnodes, if additional buildtools are needed