
iDaaS-DREaM is intended to be a place where ANY applications that can process data can reside. Most commonly used here in healthcare are assets for dynamic routing, terminology processing, data tagging, and these type of activities.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


iDaaS-DREaM (Data Real Time Assets) stands for is intended to be a consistent place for data driven assets that can be used for a variety of needs. This repository has several vastly different and unique technologies that are all used for one purpose, to provide innovative ways to process and leverage data.

Always remember our cloud first approach to everything we do:

iDaaS Data Flow - Detailed.png

Specifically Developed Accelerators

Accelerator Details
Camel DMN Routing Camel based application that uses DMN based rules to dynamically route data.
Camel iDaaS RouteDataDist Camel Based application to do a java implementation of data routing. This example is a hard coded example.
Java OMOP Persistence A set of Java developed assets that process healthcare data into the OMOP Industry Std.
Node-FHIRBundleToResource-DataRouter Node based application that enables routing FHIR resource bundles to FHIR servers specific FHIR resource endpoints