
This repo contains exercises for use in class.


  1. Fork and clone the repo
  2. Run npm install

The exercises are split into three folders: A-make-tests-pass, B-write-tests and C-TDD Within each of these folders there are mandatory exercises which you should try and complete during class. There are also extra exercises which you can try and complete if you have time, but you are not required to finish them.


To run the tests from the terminal, run the command npm test.

To keep the tests running (auto updating when you save files), run the command: npm test -- --watch then press a to run all the tests and keep watching the files for changes. To quit the tests, type q.

To run a specifc test, run npm test <filname> for example npm test remove-vowels (that will run only the files that matches remove-vowels, i.e. remove-vowels.test.js)

Pass Tests

The first set of exercises involve a set of tests that we will write code to make it pass. You can run only the tests in the A-make-tests-pass folder by running npm test A-make-tests-pass or you can run them with a watch with npm test A-make-tests-pass --watch.

Write Tests

The second set of exercises involve implemented code that we will add tests for. You can run only the tests in the B-write-tests folder by running npm test B-write-tests or you can run them with a watch with npm test B-write-tests --watch.

Think about edge cases while writing tests.


The final exercise involves using TDD to implement the function. You can run only the tests in the C-TDD folder by running npm test C-TDD or you can run them with a watch with npm test C-TDD --watch.


The solutions for this classwork can be found here:

This is a private repository. Please request access from your Teachers, Buddy or City Coordinator after the lesson.

Running tests using Github actions

As part of the coursework you should add to the file located here: .github/workflows/run-tests.yml to run your tests First fork this PR and then make it so on a pull request the tests run, and should pass. Remember the steps we have done to setup tests in class, and then how to run them.