
Assets used by Bitaculous, packaged for Bower, npm, Sass and Sprockets.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Travis CI Status Code Climate Status

Assets used by Bitaculous, packaged for Bower, npm, Sass and Sprockets.

Assetify is our package for Bower, npm, Sass and Sprockets, with common libraries we use at Bitaculous.


npm / Yarn

Run npm install @bitaculous/assetify or yarn add @bitaculous/assetify


  1. Add Assetify to your Gemfile:

    gem 'bitaculous-assetify', github: 'bitaculous/assetify'
  2. Run bundle to install all dependencies with Bundler


Sass / CSS via Sprockets

@import bitaculous/assetify

Bourbon, Media Queries, Breakpoint, Modular Scale, Rem and Sassy Maps are automaticly imported.

The most basic option is simply:

@import normalize

which includes the default package.

Or import only specific parts:

Default package
@import normalize/document
@import normalize/sections
@import normalize/grouping_content
@import normalize/text_level_semantics
@import normalize/embedded_content
@import normalize/forms
@import normalize/interactive
@import normalize/misc
Additional imports
@import normalize/box_sizing
@import normalize/legacy
@import normalize/opinionated
@import normalize/tables

Import reset:

@import reset


  1. Update / modify the Modernizr configuration

  2. Run rake build:modernizr or rake 'build:modernizr[true]' (minifies the output) to build a new version


Run specs with RSpec

Run rspec.

or via Guard:

$ guard -g spec

See Test Coverage

Run COVERAGE=true rspec.

Run rubocop.

To run all specs and RuboCop altogether, run rake.

Bug Reports

Github Issues are used for managing bug reports and feature requests. If you run into issues, please search the issues and submit new problems here.


This project aims to adhere to Semantic Versioning 2.0.0. Violations of this scheme should be reported as bugs. Specifically, if a minor or patch version is being released that breaks backward compatibility, that version should be immediately yanked and / or a new version should be immediately released that restores compatibility.


Assetify uses the following libraries:

Cascading Style Sheets



Assetify is released under the MIT License (MIT), see LICENSE.