
Rake tasks for adding ActiveModel annotations to app/models/*.rb, test/factories/*_factory.rb files.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A collection of rake tasks to annotate files with ActiveRecord model information.
Currently, this plugin annotates the following files:

  - app/models/*.rb
  - test/factories/*_factory.rb


The plugin comes with these tasks:

  - annotate:all        Annotates factories (that is, factory_girl ones) and models.
  - annotate:factories  Annotates only factory_girl factories.
  - annotate:models     Annotates only ActiveRecord model files.
  - annotate:print      Only prints out annotations.
  - annotate:test:unit  Annotates unit test files.

To invoke it, execute the command:

  > rake annotate:all        OR
  > rake annotate:factories	 OR
  > rake annotate:models     OR
  > rake annotate:print      OR
  > rake annootate:test:unit


Works with Rails 3.0.x & Ruby 1.9.2 on Mac OS X.

This plugin is my own implementation and shares no code with other pre-existing
implementations save the name.

Copyright (c) 2011 bitaxis.com, released under the MIT license.