- 13
Issue with iWidthUsed
#84 opened by elan - 13
seg fault for the linux example under WSL
#83 opened by robtinkers - 1
- 9
- 4
JPEG_DECODE_ERROR on a large epaper screen
#77 opened by countrysideboy - 1
- 8
- 3
Feature Request: Allow cropping on decode
#52 opened by andrewleek - 13
- 18
Missing columns in RGB565 but present in RGB8888
#72 opened by toneck - 1
Possible more JPEG_SCALE ?
#76 opened by G-Remo - 2
How does dithering work?
#75 opened by steiraa - 0
Wiki requires fix
#74 opened by Smoria - 1
#include "dsps_fft2r_platform.h" is not found.
#73 opened by AC-Mike - 3
Example's wont compile
#71 opened by Jasperbauerbrown - 36
Mis-aligned columns with 1.4.0
#69 opened by danie1kr - 2
Not building on the Arduino Portenta C33
#68 opened by metanav - 4
Version 1.3.0 builds fail on Teensy 4.x boards
#67 opened by KurtE - 17
Add SIMD support for ESP32S3
#56 opened by modi12jin - 9
White spaces whilst reading from SD card
#43 opened by el-samiyel - 1
Flatten and print Row-major
#66 opened by WrelksMC - 10
RGB888 in Arduino Library version 1.2.8 ???
#65 opened by jameszah - 1
Can't display dithered output on TFT display
#64 opened by clayton-cg - 1
Support loading image from HTTP
#63 opened by canepan - 2
- 1
Not an issue, request example
#61 opened by nodoubtman - 1
Link to Wiki missing
#60 opened by cgreening - 5
JPEGDEC problems on ESP32-S3 (480x272 ILI6485 controller on a SUNTON ESP32-4827S043-C capacitive touch)
#59 opened by vitasynergy - 3
Potential Vulnerabilities
#57 opened by shijiameng - 5
Undefined reference to 'Serial' error
#50 opened by sandric - 1
- 2
extracting pixel 0-255 greyscale value from pDraw->pPixels[i] when using EIGHT_BIT_GRAYSCALE
#53 opened by mrcodetastic - 1
- 1
Wiki don't match with struc
#48 opened by FroggyCorp - 2
Pure IDF fails to compile.
#38 opened by geiseri - 1
jpeg.openRAM support
#46 opened by djste123 - 1
Misconfigured idf_component_register?
#45 opened by acoth - 5
callbacks require global variables.
#39 opened by geiseri - 0
#41 opened by Cvjark - 11
I need help of decode jpeg
#37 opened by HanalogInstruments - 4
What max resolution jpeg support?
#36 opened by ChinaTizenRT - 2
callback function not called on ESP32
#35 opened by palmerabollo - 1
About RGB888
#34 opened by yiwangwuqian - 3
- 13
Adafruit GFX from SD
#31 opened by el-samiyel - 16
Problem adding JPEGDEC to an existing library
#30 opened by maxmeli123 - 1
Could not yet implement decodeDither using setPixelType(FOUR_BIT_DITHERED)
#29 opened by martinberlin - 3
Size functions returning 0 sometimes?
#27 opened by Sarah-C - 1
Scaling for dithered images?
#28 opened by Sarah-C - 6
Nearly there.
#26 opened by Sarah-C