
Testdroid API client for Python

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

PyPI version

Python client for Testdroid Cloud APIv2


For Linux installation you need Python dev package.

Ubuntu sudo apt-get install python-dev

Command line

Install it with: sudo pip install testdroid

Upgrade it with: sudo pip install testdroid --upgrade


testdroid --help

Note that you can set TESTDROID_APIKEY and TESTDROID_URL environment variables.


You can use this class as a command line utility or import it to your own code.

The example below is using api key as the authentication method.


>>> from testdroid import Testdroid
>>> testdroid = Testdroid(apikey="<your api key>")
>>> testdroid.get_test_run(1233, 12345)
{u'displayName': u'Test Run 1', u'logZipState': u'BLANK', u'screenshotZipState': u'BLANK', u'projectId': 12340, u'number': 1, u'successRatio': 0.814815, u'createTime': 1393595647000, u'executionRatio': 1.0, u'state': u'FINISHED', u'startedByDisplayName': u'John Doe', u'id': 10} 

Developing and testing

Set up sandbox

virtualenv myenv && source myenv/bin/activate

Build example

python setup.py clean && python setup.py sdist && pip install -U dist/testdroid-<latest version>.tar.gz




If you see Pillow error messages on Linux you are most likely missing python-dev, see dependencies.


  1. Fork the repository and clone it locally.
  2. Create a branch from Bitbar devel branch for your edits.
  3. Commit and push to your own branch in Github
  4. Open pull request for your changes for Bitbar devel branch.