Godot all in one ads module for Android. (Customizable)
cd ${GODOT_ROOT}/modules/
git clone https://github.com/FrogSquare/GodotAds GodotAds
and you must configure your module by editing ${GODOT_ROOT}/modules/GodotAds/config.py
build = {
"admob" : True,
"adcolony" : True,
"chartboost" : True,
"vungle" : True,
"mopub" : True,
"unity_ads" : True,
sdk and dependency for (Chartboost and Vungle)
Download the sdk to ${GODOT_ROOT}/modules/GodotAds/libs/
Chartboost: Android SDk Vungle: Android SDK UnityAds: Android SDK
Initialize AdMob
var AdMob = Globals.get_singleton("AdMob")
var _dict = Dictionary()
_dict["BannerAd"] = false
_dict["InterstitialAd"] = false
_dict["RewardedVideoAd"] = false
_dict["BannerGravity"] = "BOTTOM" # or TOP
_dict["BannerAdId"] = "your banner ad id"
_dict["InterstitialAdId"] = "your interstitial ad id"
_dict["RewardedVideoAdId"] = "rewarded video ad id"
AdMob.init(_dict, get_instance_ID())
Initialize AdColony
var AdColony = Globals.get_singleton("GDAdColony")
var _dict = Dictionary()
_dict["app_id"] = "adcolotn app id"
_dict["zone_ids"] = "adcolony interstitial zone ids" # (e.g) "jkedbciujdcoidcj,iyhfecujncuofevef,ikyvejcnilnuvel"
_dict["reward_ids"] = "adcolony rewarded zone id" # (e.g) "jkedbciujdcoidcj,iyhfecujncuofevef,ikyvejcnilnuvel"
_dict["dialog"] = true # or false
AdColony.init(_dict, get_instance_ID())
Initialize Chartboost
var Chartboost = Globals.get_singleton("GDChartboost")
var _dict = Dictionary()
_dict["app_id"] = "Your chartboost app id"
_dict["app_signature"] = "your chartboost signature"
Chartboost.init(_dict, get_instance_ID())
Initialize Vungle
var Vungle = Globals.get_singleton("GDVungle")
var _dict = Dictionary()
_dict["app_id"] = "your vungle app"
Vungle.init(_dict, get_instance_ID())
Initialize MoPub
var Mopub = Globals.get_singleton("GDMopub")
var _dict = Dictionary()
_dict["BannerAd"] = true
_dict["InterstitialAd"] = true
_dict["BannerGravity"] = "BOTTOM" # or TOP
_dict["BannerAdId"] = "your banner unit id"
_dict["InterstitialAdId"] = "your interstitial unit id"
Mopub.init(_dict, get_instance_ID())
Initialize UnityAds
var Unityads = Globals.get_singleton("GDUnityAds")
var _dict = Dictionary()
_dict["GameId"] = "Your game ID"
Unityads.init(_dict, get_instance_ID())
adding the callback funtion so we can recive event log/states from the module
func _receive_message (from, key, value) {
# Receive message
AdMob.show_banner_ad(true) # show banner ad
AdMob.show_banner_ad(false) # hide banner ad
AdMob.show_interstitial_ad() # Show Interstitial Ad
AdMob.show_rewarded_video() # Show Rewarded Ad
AdColony.show(String zone_id) # Show AdColony for the zone id
AdMob.show_banner_ad(true) # show banner ad
AdMob.show_banner_ad(false) # hide banner ad
AdMob.show_interstitial_ad() # Show Interstitial Ad
Unity Ads
Unityads.show("Location id")
adb -d logcat godot:V GoogleService:V GodotAds:V DEBUG:V AndroidRuntime:V ValidateServiceOp:V *:S
and if using our GodotFireBase
module replace GodotAds
with FireBase
adb -d logcat godot:V GoogleService:V FireBase:V DEBUG:V AndroidRuntime:V ValidateServiceOp:V *:S