
A text-based, scriptable, online RPG built with Blazor.

Primary LanguageC#


A text-based, scriptable, online RPG built with Blazor.

GitHub Actions

Website: https://radial.lucency.co

Radial Screenshot


Note: This game is still in very early development.

Radial borrows a lot of concepts from MUDs, but I've tried to implement them in a way that are easily accessible on both mobile and desktop. The core premise of the game is that your character has died, and you're now stuck in the center of a vast nothingness.

You will venture outward from the center, either alone or with a party, in search of a way out. Surely this can't be all that exists in the afterlife? The randomly-generated monsters and dungeons become increasingly more difficult the farther you travel.

If this ever attracts any players, I plan to implement the following:

  • A new twist on "seasons." Each season, your current power and progress will be stashed, and you essentially go back to a new character. At the end of the season, everything you've accumulated is retained, and your stored resources are added back.
  • World bosses.
  • Random events orchestrated by yours truly.
  • An editor that allows you to build areas, items, and NPCs. They can either be permanent, static objects or added to the pool of randomly-generated things.
  • A powerful C# scripting system. You'll be able to add scripts to areas, items, and NPCs. Mod approval will be required. But re-usable functions, once approved, can be used again without requiring mod approval (so long as the script consists entirely of pre-approved functions).
  • Maybe WebRTC voice chat. It'd be cool to add.