Adds support for inline SVG files in Phoenix Framework. This package allows you to quickly and easily add SVG files into your HTML templates in Phoenix Framework.
Add phoenix_inline_svg
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:phoenix_inline_svg, "~> 1.4"}]
def view do
quote do
use PhoenixInlineSvg.Helpers
<%= PhoenixInlineSvg.Helpers.svg_image(@conn, "home") %>
Where home
is the name of the SVG file you want to load.
This will output the HTML:
By default this will load the SVG file from:
NOTE: Make sure your svg's are stored in /assets/static/svg/generic/
or your app will crash. Phoenix will automatically copy them to priv
There is an optional argument in the function to allow for breaking up SVG files into collections (or folders on the filesystem):
<%= PhoenixInlineSvg.Helpers.svg_image(@conn, "user", "fontawesome") %>
Will result in the output:
This will load the SVG file from:
You can also pass optional HTML attributes into the function to set those properties on the SVG.
<%= PhoenixInlineSvg.Helpers.svg_image(@conn,"home", class: "logo", id: "bounce-animation") %>
Will result in the output:
<svg class="logo" id="bounce-animation">...</svg>
There are several optional configuration settings for adjusting this package to your needs:
The directory in the project from which to load image assets.
If you are using Exrm/Distillery, make sure you use a directory that is outputted to the projects lib
directory after the release has been created.
# If you are using the standard way
config :phoenix_inline_svg, dir: "./assets/somewhere/"
# If you are using the old way
config :phoenix_inline_svg, dir: "/priv/somewhere/"
The default value is /assets/static/svg/
for the standard method and /priv/static/svg
for the old method.
The name of the collection to use by default. This is usually overridden to be the primary collection of images.
config :phoenix_inline_svg, default_collection: "fontawesome"
The default value is generic
What should be displayed in the <i>
element when there is no SVG file found.
config :phoenix_inline_svg, not_found: "<p>Oh No!</p>"
The default value is:
<svg viewbox='0 0 60 60'>
<text x='0' y='40' font-size='30' font-weight='bold'
To use this package in the old style, add the following line to the view function in your my_app_web.ex
def view do
quote do
import PhoenixInlineSvg.Helpers
Since the old style will read the images from disk on every request, you can enable caching through a GenServer.
For Use with Import Only: If you use the new style, use PhoenixInlineSvg.Helpers
, your images are already cached since they are loaded into functions at compile time.
Add the following code to the file lib/__MY_APP_NAME__/inline_svg_cache.ex
Note: Be sure to change __MY_APP_NAME__ to the name of your app.
defmodule __MY_APP_NAME__.InlineSvgCache do
use GenServer
alias PhoenixInlineSvg.Helpers
# Client API
def start_link() do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__)
def svg_image(conn, svg, collection \\ nil) do
svg_name = "#{collection}/#{svg}"
case lookup(svg_name) do
{:ok, data} ->
{:error} ->
data =
if collection != nil do
Helpers.svg_image(conn, svg, collection)
Helpers.svg_image(conn, svg)
insert(svg_name, data)
def lookup(name) do, {:lookup, name})
def insert(name, data) do
GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:insert, name, data})
# Server API
def init(_) do, [:named_table, read_concurrency: true])
{:ok, %{}}
def handle_call({:lookup, name}, _from, state) do
data =
case :ets.lookup(:svg_image, name) do
[{^name, data}] -> {:ok, data}
[] -> {:error}
{:reply, data, state}
def handle_cast({:insert, name, data}, state) do
:ets.insert(:svg_image, {name, data})
{:noreply, state}