- 6
Better rate limiting
#78 opened by yukkun - 0
Package the project and upload to PyPi
#126 opened by Suika - 4
Populate database with exists posts
#128 opened by Suika - 1
Handle http error 429
#127 opened by Suika - 4
Skip posts with already downloaded content as a whole instead of each file on its own
#87 opened by Rennschnitzl - 6
Folder name, post name from Fantia website, date signature. Doesn't load videos from paid posts
#120 opened by Caxapok-X - 1
Retrieve data sorted by “update date” and support skipping certain content by date
#125 opened by 1223334444abc - 1
Invalid Decimal Literal
#123 opened by templartassadar - 0
.incomplete written when plan changes
#122 opened by bitbybyte - 2
More folder structure options
#113 opened by Aaeeschylus - 2
- 1
--download-paid-fanclubs collected 0 fanclub
#119 opened by yotto4 - 0
Handling when downloading is interrupted
#117 opened by 1223334444abc - 2
X-Requested-With header required for post API
#118 opened by key050365 - 6
Potential download issue
#114 opened by ytoaa - 7
Hitting CAPTCHA preventing paid fanclub discovery
#107 opened by Aaeeschylus - 1
No module named bs4
#115 opened by JavaDotExE - 0
- 0
--download-new-posts default always sets flag
#110 opened by yhtojy - 1
Flatten directory structure flag
#109 opened by bitbybyte - 1
-n\--download-new-posts using timeline API
#90 opened by tins820 - 0
Retry on session errors
#92 opened by unknown10777 - 1
#108 opened by Honorable001 - 14
- 1
HTTPError: 403
#106 opened by bluekms - 1
v1.8.2 not working
#105 opened by wierli - 7
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 403 Client Error
#104 opened by deadpixel134 - 6
The "-download-paid-fanclubs" (-p) option only retrieve the paid plans of the first page of the paid plan list
#100 opened by thibo1138 - 1
It doesnt seems to work for me
#101 opened by BlackCat75 - 1
GL Error
#97 opened by Disposableacc65321 - 3
Mass post downloading not working
#96 opened by jli94 - 1
File flagged as a threat by Windows Defender
#88 opened by Alushuu - 2
- 1
.exe file wont stay open
#95 opened by derpyface0806 - 1
- 4
OSError: [WinError 123] The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect
#89 opened by tins820 - 1
Error: No valid input provided
#85 opened by lepricolin - 1
- 1
Fee Content
#73 opened by febirizky - 1
Invalid session cookie
#83 opened by omfgntsa - 1
Error because of invalid session cookie
#82 opened by RndUser0 - 1
- 4
[BUG] Unable to download due to invalid session
#77 opened by ramenchef - 1
Where i can find this number?
#76 opened by rowndo - 6
Images embedded in posts aren't downloaded in the highest resolution available
#69 opened by RndUser0 - 0
"no valid input provided"
#68 opened by deed459 - 0
#66 opened by a9408920 - 0
#67 opened by a9408920 - 0
esther rosenthal images
#65 opened by a9408920 - 1