Micro-benchmark Suite for Pointer Analysis

Primary LanguageC

How to use PTABen

PTABen is a micro-benchmark suite designed for validating various pointer analysis algorithms for C and C++ programs. It includes around 400 hand-written programs and code snippets from real programs. PTABen provides flexible and extendable interfaces for users to add their own tests for validating the correctness of different pointer/alias analyses.

  1. Download the whole test suite "PTABen" and put it under the root directory of SVF
  2. Set up environment before runing test cases.
   cd $SVFHome
   . ./setup
   cd PTABen
   ./runtest.sh (or ./singlerun.sh basic_c_tests/global-funptr.c)
  1. "singlerun.sh" provides a simple way to test an analysis (e.g., wpa -ander) given a single program file
  2. "runtest.sh" tests an analysis (e.g., wpa -ander) for a set of micro-benchmarks under a specific folder (e.g., basic_c_tests) (Note that you can modify variable "TestFolders" and "TestScripts" in "runtest.sh" to specify which folder and what analysis to be tested.)
Folder Script wpa option Description
basic_c_tests testwpa.sh -ander basic test cases for C programs (flow-insensitive and field-sensitive analysis)
basic_cpp_tests basic test cases for C++ programs (flow-insensitive and field-sensitive analysis)
fs_tests testwpa.sh -fspta flow-sensitive tests
cs_tests testdvf.sh context-sensitive tests
path_tests NA path-sensitive tests
complex_tests complex test cases simplified from real programs
mta multithreaded test cases
mem_leak testsaber.sh memory leak test cases
scripts scripts to run the tests