
Source code for rholang documentation website.

Primary LanguageVue

Rholang 🥳

This is the repository of the website https://rholang.github.io/.


  • Linux OS / Windows / Mac
  • min. 8 GB RAM
  • install globally
    • yarn

Quick install

  • fork this repository and open with vscode (cd into /rholang.github.io/)
  • $ yarn install
  • $ yarn develop
    • website is locally available


  • Deploy to Github (gh-pages)

    • your github repository needs two branches: source and master
    • $ yarn deploy

Folder structure

  • /content
    • all markdown files belong here
  • /src/data
    • yaml files for indexing markdown files

Algolia Docsearch


This community driven project should bring all the awesome resources for Rholang and Rchain together. Feel free to make a Pull Request.

  • if you only want to change some existing file, just edit the markdown file in /content
  • if you want to add a markdown file, you have to add it to the yaml file in /src/data
  • when the pull request is approved the website is automatically rebuild with CircleCI