- 0
Error with XOOPS 2.5.9
#104 opened by alain01 - 5
Can't Make or Update the image Thumbnails
#101 opened by JustineBABY - 8
Blank page for public web, and mywords admin
#95 opened by JustineBABY - 3
Just 3 minor notices & one unknown bug report.
#87 opened by Pentasma - 1
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object
#88 opened by mambax7 - 0
- 1
- 2
Can't edit user
#82 opened by JustineBABY - 0
Can't Update Thumbnail in image menagement
#83 opened by JustineBABY - 4
NO se puede subir Imagenes
#76 opened by markosc - 1
- 4
Can't add any picture
#73 opened by JustineBABY - 5
rmc-navigation-pages.php no funciona
#68 opened by ryuaka - 0
In Block: User Group can't be selected
#72 opened by JustineBABY - 4
RMcommon for Xoops 2.5.8?
#70 opened by JustineBABY - 3
error al ingresar al panel principal
#69 opened by markosc - 1
- 5
- 5
Imágenes no se guardan en Common Utilities
#57 opened by ryuaka - 2
I can not add menus in themes
#55 opened by kostas4k - 5
How to set a native language?
#52 opened by panwac - 1
- 5
RSS feeds still do not function
#44 opened by JustineBABY - 2
- 9
RSS feeds do not function
#40 opened by JustineBABY - 4
Visual Editor probleme in new RMcommon
#39 opened by JustineBABY - 1
#38 opened by dalaniz130 - 4
After a while in blocks
#33 opened by dalaniz130 - 4
- 5
White screen add user
#29 opened by angelorocha - 2
- 1 informations
#24 opened by cesagonchu - 1
Problem between rmcommon and newbb
#25 opened by cesagonchu - 1
undefined constant _AM_SYSTEM_DBUPDATED
#23 opened by cesagonchu - 0
Undefined index: subscribed (by @cesag)
#21 opened by bitcero - 0
images errors
#20 opened by cesagonchu - 1
Errors when uninstalling rmcommon
#19 opened by cesagonchu - 2
rmcommon update
#18 opened by cesagonchu - 1
rmcommon/templates/rmc-modules.php errors
#17 opened by cesagonchu - 3
Error when updating the module
#16 opened by cesagonchu - 3
Syntax error with mysql 5.6.24
#15 opened by cesagonchu - 4
rmcommon on install with Xoops
#14 opened by cesagonchu - 1
Errors on install with Xoops 2.6.0
#11 opened by cesagonchu - 13
Issues Blocks
#10 opened by txmodxoops - 1
- 1
Error found in rmcommon/class/htaccess.class
#3 opened by mondarse - 6
problema instalacion rmcommon
#2 opened by jluisah