- 2
💡 [IDEA] - Unified, Unambiguous Transport Independent TPN Broadcast Protocol
#72 opened by ty-everett - 1
💡 IDEA - BSV Assembly
#74 opened by geirigurka - 0
Is IPv6 multicast adoption by Internet exchanges and ISP's likely for Bitcoin?
#69 opened by robinsmith3 - 4
#65 opened by kyuupichan - 40
[DISCUSSION] - Comments on BUMP
#67 opened by kyuupichan - 6
[DISCUSSION] - BUMP format JSON format consistency and easier for statically typed languages
#58 opened by sirdeggen - 2
Purpose of the standard and the EF Marker?
#39 opened by Danconnolly - 4
[DISCUSSION] - "Standard"
#44 opened by sirdeggen