
Sats for commits allows project owners to add bitcoin bounties on their issues to pay for contributions, and let contributors claim bitcoin for their commits with their GPG key.


  • Allow GitHub issues
  • Add expub key to GitHub settings


Work flows for creating and funding issues are as follows:

  1. Create the issue. This will add the tip jar address to the issue in the comments.
  2. Adding a label to the issue will add the amount of sats to the issue from the repos treasury.

Actions table

Object Action / Verb Description
Issue created Adds the tip jar address to the created issue
Issue funded Adds the amount to the issues comments with tx hash. Updates the issue label
Issue closed If the issue is no longer relevant, refund

Issues to sats table

Using the following table, the amount of sats per issue can be calculated.

Issue Label Sats
Good first issue good-first-issue 1000
Help wanted help-wanted 5000
Bug bug 2000

Creating the issue

When a project owner creates a new issue, the issue is given a sequential integer as its id. EG This ID will for the HD address for the issue, and add the address to the issue via the PATCH route.

Path: m/84'/0'/2164426968'/0/1 Address: bc1qsaasrcqamcm96p0v3m46dne9d6hesuzm60hz3z

The following text is added to the bottom of the issue, allow with the tags "btc". Each issue has an ID and a number. These two numbers will create the HD address.

  issue: {
    url: '',
    id: 2164426968,
    number: 1

The following text is added to the bottom of the issue.

This issues tipjar is bc1qsaasrcqamcm96p0v3m46dne9d6hesuzm60hz3z

Example of issue #1

Fund a project

Projects can be funded globally, or per issue. Per issues can encourage contributions to specific issues, while global funding can be used to encourage contributions to the project as a whole.

Per issue gives more fine grained control, but can be more difficult to manage. Global funding is easier to manage, but can be less effective at encouraging contributions to specific issues.

Funding the issue

A service with a webhook monitors the address for incoming transactions. When a transaction is detected, the service adds the amount to the issues comments.

If the project is funded, the amount of sats per issue can be calculated by the issue label. For example, issues with a "good first issue label" could have a bounty of 1000 sats.

Claiming the bounty

Each GitHub user has an integer ID. This ID is used to generate a HD key for the user.

  sender: {
    login: 'bitcoinbrisbane',
    id: 131337

Matching GPG keys to GitHub users

Other dependencies

The app uses blockcypher to get the balance of the address, and to get the transaction details.

Test vectors

The following mnemonic is used to generate the keys for the test vectors.

year define slow hunt miss awake boil wrist sadness sail speak bench

  • zprvAcVNoVY3JwpXpEerADLkrqDY4jjgYpswM9SiXfBd5GR2G3XoTkp6VJFFsExewcu7o4GfwsmV3BXakWTVgs8jdxbbmSuQeWj6pbeSnQ8a4gQ
  • zpub6qUjD14w9KNq2ijKGEsmDyAGcmaAxHbniNNKL3bEdbx18qrx1J8M36ZjiWVyTbhRJ5cUJWmLVhDZiJSfgQExEeaLpHosXbfWiPDoornsrmT

GitHub permissions

The app requires the following permissions.

  • issues - Read/write
  • secrets - Read
  • pull requests - Read/write