timechain projects
a collection of abstracts, architecture outlines, whitepapers, and codebases.
decrypt and overwrite:
rm -rf ./decrypted; gpgtar --decrypt --directory ./ encrypted.tar
encrypt, overwrite, and git add:
gpgtar --encrypt --output encrypted.tar -r bitcoinssg@gmail.com decrypted; git add -A
ensure encryption of sensitive data before repo push
installation / requirements
sudo apt-get install -y gpg git gpgtar
failsafe measures
directory decrypted is always ignored (see .gitignore)
gaurav rana
pgpkey: CF1E7DC6B92DE45FBD8A777B0CA3D94203827CB3
trust minimized chronometer Bitcoin pubkeyhash: 1GAURAV1vQPQ8zc9hRPEipoVGjCYfDWJEm
email: bitcoinssg@gmail.com