Authors Synonyms Logic

Steps to implement Author Analyzer and Search Query

  1. Assume you already have an index (bs-06-23) with docs in it.

    OPTIONAL: you can also clone an index if necessary:

    POST /_reindex?pretty
      "source": {
    	"index": "bitcoin-search-july-23"
      "dest": {
    	"index": "bs-06-23"
  2. Close an index for read/write operations. Close Index API

    POST /bs-06-23/_close
  3. Update the index with settings with your synonyms in synonyms field and define your analyzer in analyzer field.

    PUT /bs-06-23/_settings?pretty
      "settings": {
            "analysis": {
                "filter": {
                    "synonym_rule": {
                        "type": "synonym",
                        "lenient": "true",
                        "synonyms": [
                            "Greg Maxwell, gmaxwell, Gregory Maxwell, G. Maxwell, nullc",
                            "jgarzik, Jeff Garzik",
                            "Wladimir J. van der Laan, Wladimir, wumpus",
                            "Luke Dashjr, Luke-Jr",
                            "bitcoin-list at, Matt Corallo, lf-lists at",
                            "Johnson Lau, jl2012",
                            "David A. Harding, David Harding, harding, bitcoinops",
                            "cdecker, Christian Decker",
                            "eric at, Eric Voskuil",
                            "jonas.schnelli, Jonas Schnelli",
                            "Adam Back, adam3us, Dr Adam Back",
                            "jtimon, Jorge Timón, Jorge Timón",
                            "Warren Togami Jr., Warren Togami, wtogami",
                            "instagibbs, Greg Sanders",
                            "nopara73, Adam Ficsor",
                            "Achow101, Andrew Chow, achow101_alt, achow101",
                            "Vincenzo Palazzo, vincenzopalazzo",
                            "Sergi Delgado Segura, sr_gi",
                            "Nicolas DORIER, Nicolas Dorier",
                            "Rene Pickhardt, René Pickhardt",
                            "Mark Erhardt, Murch",
                            "sdaftuar, Suhas Daftuar",
                            "jnewbery, John Newbery",
                            "Antoine Poinsot, darosior",
                            "Jeremy, Jeremy Rubin",
                            "Kalle Alm, Karl-Johan Alm",
                            "gavinandresen, Gavin Andresen, Gavin",
                            "nickler, Jonas Nick",
                            "Sergio Lerner, Sergio Demian Lerner",
                            "Adam Gibson, AdamISZ",
                            "Btc Drak, Drak",
                            "Bastien TEINTURIER, Bastien Teinturier",
                            "Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Andreas Antonopoulos"
                    "synonym_rule_q": {
                        "type": "synonym",
                        "synonyms": [
                            "Greg Maxwell, gmaxwell, Gregory Maxwell, G. Maxwell, nullc",
                            "jgarzik, Jeff Garzik",
                            "Wladimir J. van der Laan, Wladimir, wumpus",
                            "Luke Dashjr, Luke-Jr",
                            "bitcoin-list at, Matt Corallo, lf-lists at",
                            "Johnson Lau, jl2012",
                            "David A. Harding, David Harding, harding, bitcoinops",
                            "cdecker, Christian Decker",
                            "eric at, Eric Voskuil",
                            "jonas.schnelli, Jonas Schnelli",
                            "Adam Back, adam3us, Dr Adam Back",
                            "jtimon, Jorge Timón, Jorge Timón",
                            "Warren Togami Jr., Warren Togami, wtogami",
                            "instagibbs, Greg Sanders",
                            "nopara73, Adam Ficsor",
                            "Achow101, Andrew Chow, achow101_alt, achow101",
                            "Vincenzo Palazzo, vincenzopalazzo",
                            "Sergi Delgado Segura, sr_gi",
                            "Nicolas DORIER, Nicolas Dorier",
                            "Rene Pickhardt, René Pickhardt",
                            "Mark Erhardt, Murch",
                            "sdaftuar, Suhas Daftuar",
                            "jnewbery, John Newbery",
                            "Antoine Poinsot, darosior",
                            "Jeremy, Jeremy Rubin",
                            "Kalle Alm, Karl-Johan Alm",
                            "gavinandresen, Gavin Andresen, Gavin",
                            "nickler, Jonas Nick",
                            "Sergio Lerner, Sergio Demian Lerner",
                            "Adam Gibson, AdamISZ",
                            "Btc Drak, Drak",
                            "Bastien TEINTURIER, Bastien Teinturier",
                            "Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Andreas Antonopoulos"
                "analyzer": {
                    "analyzer_search": {
                        "filter": ["lowercase", "synonym_rule"],
                        "type": "custom",
                        "tokenizer": "iplexus_tokenizer"
                    "analyzer_q": {
                        "filter": ["lowercase", "synonym_rule_q"],
                        "type": "custom",
                        "tokenizer": "iplexus_tokenizer"
                "tokenizer": {
                    "iplexus_tokenizer": {
                        "pattern": "[^a-zA-Z0-9\\p{InGreek}\\p{No}\\p{Lm}\\+\\-\\_]",
                        "type": "pattern",
                        "max_token_length": "256"

    OPTIONAL: you can check an updated settings in your index:

    GET /bs-06-23/_settings?pretty
  4. Update an index with the mappings to specify the analyzer for the fields of your choice, here we have updated for authors and body field:

    PUT /bs-06-23/_mapping?pretty
    	"properties": {
    		"accepted_answer_id": {
    			"type": "text",
    			"fields": {
    				"keyword": {
    					"type": "keyword",
    					"ignore_above": 256
    		"authors": {
    			"type": "text",
    			"fields": {
    				"analyzed": {
    					"type": "text",
    					"analyzer": "analyzer_search",
    					"fielddata": true
    				"keyword": {
    					"type": "keyword"
    		"body": {
    			"type": "text",
    			"fields": {
    				"search": {
    					"type": "text",
    					"analyzer": "analyzer_search",
    					"search_analyzer": "analyzer_q"
    		"body_formatted": {
    			"type": "text",
    			"fields": {
    				"keyword": {
    					"type": "keyword",
    					"ignore_above": 256
    		"body_type": {
    			"type": "text",
    			"fields": {
    				"keyword": {
    					"type": "keyword",
    					"ignore_above": 256
    		"categories": {
    			"type": "text",
    			"fields": {
    				"keyword": {
    					"type": "keyword",
    					"ignore_above": 256
    		"created_at": {
    			"type": "date"
    		"domain": {
    			"type": "text",
    			"fields": {
    				"keyword": {
    					"type": "keyword",
    					"ignore_above": 256
    		"id": {
    			"type": "text",
    			"fields": {
    				"keyword": {
    					"type": "keyword",
    					"ignore_above": 256
    		"indexed_at": {
    			"type": "date"
    		"language": {
    			"type": "text",
    			"fields": {
    				"keyword": {
    					"type": "keyword",
    					"ignore_above": 256
    		"media": {
    			"type": "text",
    			"fields": {
    				"keyword": {
    					"type": "keyword",
    					"ignore_above": 256
    		"tags": {
    			"type": "text",
    			"fields": {
    				"keyword": {
    					"type": "keyword",
    					"ignore_above": 256
    		"thread_url": {
    			"type": "text",
    			"fields": {
    				"keyword": {
    					"type": "keyword",
    					"ignore_above": 256
    		"title": {
    			"type": "text",
    			"fields": {
    				"keyword": {
    					"type": "keyword",
    					"ignore_above": 256
    		"transcript_by": {
    			"type": "text",
    			"fields": {
    				"keyword": {
    					"type": "keyword",
    					"ignore_above": 256
    		"type": {
    			"type": "text",
    			"fields": {
    				"keyword": {
    					"type": "keyword",
    					"ignore_above": 256
    		"url": {
    			"type": "text",
    			"fields": {
    				"keyword": {
    					"type": "keyword",
    					"ignore_above": 256
    		"primary_topics": {
    			"type": "keyword"
    		"secondary_topics": {
    			"type": "keyword"
    		"summary": {
    			"type": "text"

    OPTIONAL: Check an updated mapping in your index:

    GET /bs-06-23/mapping?pretty
  5. Reopen an index for indexing or searching documents. Open index API

    POST /bs-06-23/_open
  6. Use an analyzer and perform a text search simultaneously in a single API call, using match query in Elasticsearch, which accepts an analyzer parameter to specify which analyzer to use during search.

    GET /bs-06-23/_search?pretty
      "_source": ["Id", "authors", "domain", "title", "type"],
      "query": {
    	"bool": {
    	  "must": [
    		  "match": {
    			"authors": {
    			  "query": "greg maxwell",
    			  "analyzer": "analyzer_search"
    		  "match": {
    			"domain": ""

    Breakdown of STEP-6:

    (i). Analyzer API to generate tokens based on your input text:

    POST /bs-06-23/_analyze
      "analyzer": "analyzer_search",
      "text": "greg maxwell"

    (ii). Search API to query the index by passing generated tokens in authors.analyzed:

    GET /bs-06-23/_search
      "_source": ["Id", "authors", "domain", "title", "type"],
      "query": {
    	"bool": {
    	  "must": [
    		  "terms": {
    			"authors.analyzed": [
    		  "term": {
    			"domain.keyword": ""

Synonyms Filter (Elasticsearch)

Solr synoynms are used in this filter.

    "filter": {
      "synonym_filter": {
        "type": "synonym",
        "synonyms": [
          "PS => PlayStation",
          "Play Station => PlayStation"

In this example, explicit mappings are used which means the token on the left side of => is replaced with the one on the right. We will use equivalent synonyms later, which means the tokens provided are treated equivalently.

The synonym filter, is a bit special and may be surprising to many of us. In this example, even though the synonym_filter filter is put after the lowercase filter, the tokens returned by this filter are also passed to the lowercase filter and thus also get lowercased. Therefore, you don’t need to provide lowercase tokens in the synonym list or in the synonym file.

index-time synonyms

"Greg Maxwell,gmaxwell,Gregory Maxwell,G. Maxwell => AUTHOR_ID_1",
"cdecker,Christian Decker => AUTHOR_ID_2"

Here all the phrases that are part of one row are contracted into the token AUTHOR_ID_1. This token is stored in the inverted index which is then use to perform the search. So, if you search for Greg Maxwell or Gregory Maxwell because it is contracted into the same token, the resultant documents are the same. This usecase works well if only search is needed, but if we need to remap the AUTHOR_ID_1 to its original tokens. We need something known as search-time synonyms.

search-time synonyms

The search_analyzer is specified for the name field explicitly. If it’s not specified, the same analyzer (index_analyzer) will be used for both indexing and searching.

"Greg Maxwell => Greg Maxwell,AUTHOR_ID_1",
"gmaxwell => gmaxwell,AUTHOR_ID_1",
"Gregory Maxwell => Gregory Maxwell,AUTHOR_ID_1",
"G. Maxwell => G. Maxwell,AUTHOR_ID_1",
"cdecker => cdecker,AUTHOR_ID_2",
"Christian Decker => Christian Decker,AUTHOR_ID_2"

Using the above synonyms rule, we expand the AUTHOR_ID_1 to its original phrases. These can be then used in usecases like aggregations where we need count of documents where a particular author appears.


We can use the _analyze endpoint to debug what tokens are emitted by each analyzer.

GET bitcoin-search-index-revamped/_analyze
  "text": "Gregory Maxwell",
  "analyzer": "analyzer_search",
  "explain": true

The output of the above query in Dev Tools is as follows:

  "detail": {
    "custom_analyzer": true,
    "charfilters": [],
    "tokenizer": {
      "name": "iplexus_tokenizer",
      "tokens": [
          "token": "Gregory",
          "start_offset": 0,
          "end_offset": 7,
          "type": "word",
          "position": 0,
          "bytes": "[47 72 65 67 6f 72 79]",
          "positionLength": 1,
          "termFrequency": 1
          "token": "Maxwell",
          "start_offset": 8,
          "end_offset": 15,
          "type": "word",
          "position": 1,
          "bytes": "[4d 61 78 77 65 6c 6c]",
          "positionLength": 1,
          "termFrequency": 1
    "tokenfilters": [
        "name": "lowercase",
        "tokens": [
            "token": "gregory",
            "start_offset": 0,
            "end_offset": 7,
            "type": "word",
            "position": 0,
            "bytes": "[67 72 65 67 6f 72 79]",
            "positionLength": 1,
            "termFrequency": 1
            "token": "maxwell",
            "start_offset": 8,
            "end_offset": 15,
            "type": "word",
            "position": 1,
            "bytes": "[6d 61 78 77 65 6c 6c]",
            "positionLength": 1,
            "termFrequency": 1
        "name": "synonym_rule",
        "tokens": [
            "token": "author_id_1",
            "start_offset": 0,
            "end_offset": 15,
            "type": "SYNONYM",
            "position": 0,
            "bytes": "[61 75 74 68 6f 72 5f 69 64 5f 31]",
            "positionLength": 1,
            "termFrequency": 1