
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Auth Lab


  • Express Middleware
  • Sessions
  • Passwords
  • Authentication


In the lecture, we presented three seemingly disparate concepts: middleware, sessions, and passwords. For this lab, your job will be to combine these concepts into one authentication system.

Running the Project

  • Run npm install to download the dependencies.
  • Keep mongod --dbpath data running in its own terminal.
  • Run npm test to run the tests. If you'd like, you can run npm run watch to automatically re-reun the tests when you make modifications.
  • To test your application in your browser, or by using Postman, make sure you've installed nodemon via npm install -g nodemon and then run nodemon src/app.js. nodemon will keep the server running and automatically restart it if you change anything. You can now make requests to http://localhost:3000 in your browser or Postman!
  • Make modifications to src/user.js and src/server.js to make the tests pass.
  • If you'd like, feel free to reference the tests in tests/server.test.js as you're developing.
  • Once all tests have passed, you're done! Send us a pull request.



First, write the schema for the user model in src/user.js. Each user has two properties: username, a String, and passwordHash, also a String. Both properties are required, and the username should be unique (use the option unique: true). This prevents two users from having the same username.


Now start editing src/server.js. Note that we've provided you a helper function sendUserError() that can send down either an object error or a string error. You'll use this liberally in your routes.

We've also gone ahead and initialized the express-session middleware so you can use the client-specific, persistent req.session object in your route handlers.

POST /users

The POST /users route expects two parameters: username and password. When the client makes a POST request to /users, hash the given password and create a new user in MongoDB. Send the user object as a JSON response.

Make sure to do proper validation and error checking. If there's any error, respond with an appropriate status and error message using the sendUserError() helper function.

POST /log-in

The POST /log-in route expects two parameters: username and password. When the client makes a POST request to /log-in, check the given credentials and log in the appropriate user. Send the object { success: true } as a JSON response if everything works out.

You'll need to use a session to track who is logged in. Do NOT store the entire user object in the session; if the user in MongoDB gets updated or deleted, the session will not reflect the changes. Instead, store some information that will let you uniquely identify which user is logged in.

Make sure to do proper validation and error checking. If there's any error, or if the credentials are invalid, respond with an appropriate status and error message using the sendUserError() helper function.

GET /me

The GET /me route should only be accessible by logged in users. We've already implemented the route handler for you; your job is to add local middleware to ensure that only logged in users have access.

Make sure to do proper validation and error checking. If there's any error, or if no user is logged in, respond with an appropriate status and error message using the sendUserError() helper function.

Stretch Problem

If you'd like to go a step further, write a piece of global middleware that ensures a user is logged in when accessing any route prefixed by /restricted/. For instance, /restricted/something, /restricted/other, and /restricted/a should all be protected by the middleware; only logged in users should be able to access these routes.