
JSpager converts a Facebook page into a chat hybrid mobile app using Ionic Framework, Ionic Material, Facebook API and Socket.io. JSpager is only an Ionic template. Customization is required to obtain a well finished and polished app.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JSpager Ionic Template

alt text


Add your own Facebook keys in services.js :

return { FBappKey : "", FBpageID : "", Ionic_app_id: "", Ionic_app_key: "", PopupLiker: true, PagerTitle: "Amazon" };

To build the app execute the following commands on your terminal:

  • npm install
  • ionic platform add ios
  • ionic platform add android

To run the app on the emulator:

  • ionic run ios
  • ionic run android

To run the app on the USB connect device:

  • ionic run ios --device
  • ionic run android --device

Keep in mind this repo is only an Ionic starter and template. A lot of work still need to be done to make this app very polish and professional.

For more support and information about JSpager Ionic Template, please contact us at http://JSapp.me