
Several implementations (C#, C++, JavaScript and TypeScript) of a finite state machine and tools.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



Last update: 2022/11/29

The solutions and projects in the ./Runtime directory are made with Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition, and open seamlessly with Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition and Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition.

The solution and projects in the ./Tools directory are made with Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition, and require C# 11 to build and .NET 7.0+ to run. The solution can be opened with Visual Studio Code.


The StateMachine provided by AX contains a runtime library for C#, C++ and JavaScript (a TypeScript implementation trial is also available, but has never been tested), and a tool to generate finite state machine source code (C# and C++ only) from a .graphml diagram file.

A state machine is composed of a state manager (StateManager class) and states (StateBase abstract class). Each state have handlers that perform transitions based on actions.

The states and actions are identified by what is called a token. They are respectively StateToken and ActionToken classes. (It differs for JavaScript runtime)

When a state machine is instanced the first time, it instances all its states and set the initial state. Then, when an action occurs, the state machine tells the current state about the action. In the current state, the handler corresponding to the action is called, and it has to decide to which state to move on, based on that action. The next state to move to is identified thanks to its StateToken, not to its instance.

Then the process repeats.

The short version first

Create tokens to identify states and actions, using respectively the StateToken class and the ActionToken class.

Then create states inheriting from the StateBase class. Implement the state transitions in each state in the virtual OnInitialized method, using the RegisterActionHandler method. In your action handlers, use the callback provided to tell the state machine where to transition to.

Finally, instantiate a StateManager class, register the states using its RegisterState method, and call its SetInitialState method to provide an entry point to the state machine.

Once all that is done, you are good to go and can call PerformAction method on the StateManager class to start having your state machine do its job.

Runtime libraries overview


The C# runtime library is created using .NET Framework 3.5 in order to run on a wide range of platforms. It builds with Any CPU configuration, so it is totally architecture independent.

The runtime is in the folder Runtime/CSharp and tools are in the Tools folder.


The C++ runtime library uses the STL for map and func, and that's pretty much it in term of high level features. The code should build on almost any platforms and architectures.

The runtime is in the folder Runtime/Cpp.


The JavaScript implementation uses only one module.exports, so commenting it out makes the state machine ready for browsers or embedded JavaScript engines.

The runtime is in the folder Runtime/JavaScript.


This is a trial for fun and have never been tested.

The runtime is in the folder Runtime/TypeScript.


This section focuses on the C# runtime, but the same (almost) applies to the other runtime libraries. The C++ and JavaScript runtime libraries have a simple sample that demonstrates how they work. Specific cases for C++ and JavaScript runtimes are described briefly in the annex section at the end of this document.

The creation process

In the following document, a shopping cart is used as sample for the purpose of explanation.

Sample shop state machine

All the runtime types are located in the namespace Bitcraft.StateMachine.

using Bitcraft.StateMachine;
using namespace Bitcraft::StateMachine;


First, you need a StateManager class.

The StateManager class is a concrete class, so it is not necessary to create a child class that inherit from it, however it is recommended to do so because soon or late you may need to enrich it.


Then you need tokens, to identify the states and actions. The StateToken and ActionToken classes inherit from the Token class, and are used for strong typing purpose only.

The recommended way is to use separated containers, and named matching the related state machine, as follow:

public static class BasketStateTokens
    public static readonly StateToken ProductList = new StateToken("Product List");
    public static readonly StateToken Payment = new StateToken("Payment");
    public static readonly StateToken Confirmation = new StateToken("Confirmation");
    public static readonly StateToken ThankYouScreen = new StateToken("Thank you!");

The string provided to the Token constructor is purely informative, this is a display name and absolutely not the Token's identity. Token identity is based on the Guid type.

The constructor of ActionToken can also take an informative string as parameter.

public static class BasketActionTokens
    public static readonly ActionToken GoToProductList = new ActionToken();
    public static readonly ActionToken GoToPaymentScreen = new ActionToken();
    public static readonly ActionToken GoToConfirmation = new ActionToken();
    public static readonly ActionToken PurchaseConfirmed = new ActionToken();
    public static readonly ActionToken PurchaseCancelled = new ActionToken();


Eventually you need states, represented by the StateBase abstract class. Our recommendation is to create another abstract base class inheriting from StateBase that will contain the common code for all states related to a given state machine. Then to create concrete specific states based on that common base state instead of directly inheriting from StateBase.

For a state machine that implements a shopping cart, you may create the following class hierarchy:

public abstract class BasketStateBase : StateBase
    protected BasketStateBase(StateToken token)
        : base(token)



public class ProductListBasketState : BasketStateBase
    public ProductListBasketState()
        : base(BasketStateTokens.ProductList)


public class PaymentBasketState : BasketStateBase
    public PaymentBasketState()
        : base(BasketStateTokens.Payment)


public class ConfirmationBasketState : BasketStateBase
    public ConfirmationBasketState()
        : base(BasketStateTokens.Confirmation)


With an intermediate state class, you can implement the any state pattern easily.

As you can see, each specific state describes its own identity through a StateToken instance.

A state have to register action handlers, they tell the state machine of which actions the current state is aware of. This is best done in the OnInitialized() virtual method.

public class PaymentBasketState : BasketStateBase
    public PaymentBasketState()
        : base(BasketStateTokens.Payment)

    protected override void OnInitialized()

        RegisterActionHandler(BasketActionTokens.GoToConfirmation, OnGoToConfirmationAction);
    } //                                                           |
      //         +-------------------------------------------------+
      //         |
      //         V
    private void OnGoToConfirmationAction(object data, Action<StateToken> callback)
        // Do something.



Two things here. First the OnInitialized() virtual method overridden with registration of an action handler. This registration says "if you ask me to go to confirmation screen, I know what to do, otherwise you will not go any further".

The second thing is the "what to do" from the previous sentence. The method OnGoToConfirmationAction is called when the PerformAction() method of the state machine is called with BasketActionTokens.GoToConfirmation parameter given and when in the PaymentBasketState state. The method body says "OK, go to confirmation state". It could go to another state based on a condition or whatever, this is purely up to you.

The callback provided to the handler can be called later. During this delay phase, all subsequent calls to the PerformAction() method will return the ActionResultType.ErrorAlreadyPerformingAction value.

Note that the delayed transition feature is only available in the C# and JavaScript runtimes. For the C++ and the TypeScript runtimes, the state machine has to be pulsed.

One very very important thing here is, when a handler is called, the callback MUST be called at least once. If you call it more than once, the subsequent calls are ignored, but if you do not call it at all, the state machine keeps waiting and thus gets locked because, once again, all subsequent calls to the PerformAction() method will return the ActionResultType.ErrorAlreadyPerformingAction value, and thus no other transitions will be permitted.

One last thing about action handlers, it is possible to register an action handler that allows you to provide custom data to the target state, by registering the action handler as follow:

protected override void OnInitialized()

    RegisterActionHandler(BasketActionTokens.GoToConfirmation, OnGoToConfirmationAction);

//                                                                    ------ additional argument here
private void OnGoToConfirmationAction(object data, Action<StateToken, object> callback)
    //                                       ----------------- a different custom value can be provided
    callback(BasketStateTokens.Confirmation, anotherCustomData);

All together

The last step is to stick everything together. Instantiate a StageManager object, register states and set the initial state, as follow:

var fsm = new StateManager();

fsm.RegisterState(new ProductListBasketState());
fsm.RegisterState(new PaymentBasketState());
fsm.RegisterState(new ConfirmationBasketState());


If you opted for a custom child StateManager class, you can register states in the constructor:

public class BasketStateMachine : StateManager
    public BasketStateMachine()
        RegisterState(new ProductListBasketState());
        RegisterState(new PaymentBasketState());
        RegisterState(new ConfirmationBasketState());

Calling the SetInitialState() method in the constructor is not recommended because you may need to set a different initial state according to some conditions, for example for testing and debugging purpose you may want to start directly from a certain state to save time.

Using the state machine

Once everything is in place, what remains is simply to use the state machine in order to make it do something. The way to use the state machine is simply to call one method, PerformAction() and that's it. When using a finite state machine, you are not telling the state machine in which state to move to, you just tell it what you are doing, and it is up to the state machine to tell you if you are doing things good or not.

When you call the PerformAction() method, you give it an ActionToken parameter in order to describe what you are doing. If needed, you can give an additional data, this is described in a section below.

The PerformAction() method returns an ActionResultType enumeration value, which can be:

  • Success meaning the current state was aware of the action you performed and that transition happened
  • ErrorUnknownAction meaning the current state is unaware of what you want to do
  • ErrorAlreadyPerformingAction meaning a state transition is in progress and decision has been purposely delayed and still under way
  • ErrorForbiddenFromSpecialEvents meaning that calls to PerformAction() are forbidden during OnInitialized, OnEnter, OnExit, OnStateChanged and OnCompleted events.

More details

There are some more details you may be interested in, such as:

  • the possibility for all states to share a context for data exchange purpose
  • the possibility to immediately redirect from a state to another
  • to pass specific data to a state when requesting the state machine to evaluate an action
  • to be notified of what is happening in the state machine

It is possible to share a context object among all states. In some cases it it necessary for a state to give feedback to another, in a clean and contained way.

The context is optional, and if used, is passed once at the constructor of the StateManager class. If you use a custom child StateManager class, you may need to expose the constructor that takes a context object as parameter.

The context is then automatically accessible to all state through their Context property.


It is possible to pass specific data to a state when requesting a transition. When calling the PerformAction() method, along with the action you are doing, you can pass an instance of object as custom data.

Be careful to not be confused between data and context, since they are both of object type.

When you need to pass several properties, it is recommended to create a specific class or structure with the required properties. If you feel lazy to do so, we then recommend using a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> instead of a Tuple, but this purely up to you.

A specific data can also be provided to the state machine when calling the SetInitialState() method, so the data is provided to the initial state.

Eventually, data can be provided by a state to another. When a state is given data, and that state redirects to another state, the same data is automatically forwarded to the redirected state. You can always change this behavior if needed.


The StateManager and StateBase classes have virtual methods that you can override for your convenience.

The StateManager class has the following virtual methods:

  • OnStateChanged() is called each time the state machine transition from a state to another.
    • This method receives a StateChangedEventArgs argument that contains:
      • OldState that represent the state that was active before the transition.
      • NewState that represent the state that is active after the transition.
  • OnCompleted() is called when the state machine has reach its terminal state and is over.

The StateBase class has the following virtual methods:

  • OnInitialized() that is called once the state has been attached to a state machine.
  • OnEnter() is called just after the state machine has changed its internal state to the current state.
    • This method receives a StateEnterEventArgs argument that contains:
      • From telling the origin state from which the transition is happening.
      • Data which is an optional custom data.
      • Redirect that allows immediate redirection to another state. (more information in "Fast redirection" section below)
  • OnExit() is called just before the state machine changes to another state.
    • This method receives a StateExitEventArgs argument that contains:
      • To telling the destination state to which the transition is happening.
      • Data which is an optional custom data.

You basically use the OnInitialized() method to register action handlers, the OnEnter() method to start initializing what is needed for the current state life cycle, and OnExit() to clean up the current state related things.

Partial methods

Beside regular overridable methods, there are convenient partial methods available to further extend state class without disrupting integration with automatically generated code.

The automatically generated state classes have the two partial methods for you to implement (or not), called from the OnInitialized method.

  • PreInitialized is called before the base.OnInitialized method, and thus before registering the action handlers.
  • PostInitialized is called after the base.OnInitialized method, and thus after registering the action handlers.

From your point of view as the implementer, you should see calls in the following order:

  • PreInitialized (if implemented)
  • base.OnInitialized (if implemented in a parent class)
  • Automatically generated RegisterActionHandler calls
  • PostInitialized (if implemented)
Fast redirection

When you need to change state to another state from within the OnEnter() method call, you cannot call PerformAction().

Instead, you have to tell the state machine to directly redirect to a given state by setting the TargetState property of the Redirect property of the event given as parameter. Hereafter is an example.

public class PaymentBasketState : BasketStateBase
    public PaymentBasketState()
        : base(BasketStateTokens.Payment)


    protected override void OnEnter(StateEnterEventArgs e)

        if (isFastBuyOptionActivated)
            e.Redirect.TargetStateToken = BasketStateTokens.ThankYouScreen;
            // e.Redirect.TriggeringAction = ... you can also optionally change the action that triggered the transition
            // e.Redirect.TargetStateData = ... you can also optionally set a data to be forwarded


Here, when the PaymentBasketState becomes active, it checks whether the user has activated the fast buy option, and if yes, it requests the state machine to directly move to the "Thank you" screen, skipping the confirmation state.

Fast redirection feature does not allow delaying state transition, the operation can only be synchronous.

Pulsing the state machine

Pulsing the state machine is not a feature, it is simply a useful technique to delay state transition. When you need to delay a transition, hereafter are the steps to follow:

  1. Define a PULSE action. (or whatever name you like)
  2. Register the PULSE action handler in your state.
  3. When time has come, call the PerformAction() method and pass it the PULSE action.
  4. Call the transition callback from the pulsed action handler.
  5. Repeat from step 3 as much as needed.


AX offers a tool to generate base state machine code (sub class of state manager, state tokens, action tokens, specific states and handler registration) from a .graphml diagram file.

Note that the tool only generates C# and C++ code. Generating JavaScript makes few sense, so if you need this feature, please implement it by yourself, based on what the tool already provides.

The diagram tool used is yEd from yWorks: Download page

For the moment, no other tools has been tested, neither other .graphml files generated with other tools.

Libraries overview

The Tools folder contains the code generator tool, split into several projects. Hereafter is the description of each project:

  • SampleFiles
    • Contains sample .graphml file that represent possibly real state machines.
  • Bitcraft.ToolKit.CodeGeneration
    • Contains high level abstraction primitives for code generation and a C# oriented implementation.
    • Code generation has been abstracted as much as possible, but some languages have few things in common, and thus it doesn't make that much sense to try to abstract that.
    • The Roslyn library could probably be used, but maybe a bit overkill for this usage, though could have been very interesting to investigate and learn.
  • Bitcraft.StateMachineTool.Core
    • Contains the contracts the tool needs to parse and load oriented graphs data.
  • Bitcraft.StateMachineTool.CodeGenerators
    • Contains the classes that generate specific code from an oriented graph. This library is aware of the language (output) but not of the file format (input), because it is abstracted by the Bitcraft.StateMachineTool.Core library.
  • Bitcraft.StateMachineTool.yWorks
    • Contains the implementation of the contracts in Bitcraft.StateMachineTool.Core that support the yEd .graphml files.
  • Bitcraft.StateMachineTool
    • The executable that stick everything together.
    • Implements a simple (and dirty) command line arguments parser to take user's choices into account.

Create a graph

How to use the yEd graph editor tool is beyond the scope of this documentation. However yEd is very straightforward and intuitive to use so no need documentation in my opinion.

First, in yEd you can create custom properties that you will be able to set on your nodes and transitions. Let's add an IsInitialState and IsFinalState properties. Click on the Edit menu, then Manage Custom Properties... menu. Then you should see the following screen.

Custom Properties

In the Node Properties category at top of the window, click the green '+' button in order to add a new property. Set their name to IsInitialState and IsFinalState, and set their type to Integer, which is the closest type to what is desired, boolean. Eventually, set their default value to 0 if it is not.

Then, create some nodes and links, which will be the states and transitions in your state machine. In the Properties View of yEd, when you select a node, you should see a General section containing the Text property, this one you can set anything you want, it is purely for visual representation. Then in the Data section, the Description property is what is really used to give a name to the state class in the code. The IsInitialState property is set to 1, which means true, to tell the code generator that this is the initial state of the state machine. The IsFinalState property remains set to 0.

State properties

You can also set a state as a final state, by selecting the state and setting the IsFinalState property of the Data section to 1, which means true.

State properties

Note that in this particular case, Description is useless. You can set one if you want but it will just be ignored. The Text property is not set, but anyway it is optional in all other cases.

You can also set properties on transitions, but they do not have custom properties. When you select one, you should see the Text property in the General section containing what is displayed on the transition, and Description in the Data section containing the real name of the transition in the generated source code.

Transition properties

Finally, the same applies to the whole graph itself too. Select nothing (click in the workspace blank part) and then the Properties View shows the graph properties, as follow:

Graph properties

Here the Description property in the Data section represent the name of the state machine in the generated source code. In the General section, the Number of Nodes and Number of Edges properties are read-only and just informative.

Using the generator tool

Hereafter is the usage of the tool you get when providing it the -help argument.

    -version Shows current version number.
       -help Shows this help.

       -file <file> sets the input graph description file.

         -ns <namespace> sets the namespace of generated files.
             If not set, the classes are generated without namespace.

       -name <name> sets the name of the state machine.
             It is used to prefix some classes or other code elements.
             If it is not set, the name defined in the graph file is used.
             When both are not defined, an error is displayed and code
             generation is aborted.

        -out <folder> sets the output folder where code is generated.
             If it is not set, the output folder is the folder where the graph
             file is located.

     -fromwd If -out parameter is used, then:
                 If <folder> is absolute, the flag -fromwd is ignored.
                 If <folder> is relative, then:
                     If -fromwd flag is not set, then <folder> is relative to
                       the graph file directory.
             If -out parameter is not used, then:
                 If -fromwd flag is set, then the output folder is the
                   current working directory.
                 If -fromwd flag is not set, then the output folder is the
                   graph file directory.

       -init <state> generates the SetInitialState(<state>) call.
             If not set, the IsInitialState flag from
             the .graphml file is used, if any.

  -statebase Makes all generated state classes to inherit from
             Bitcraft.StateMachine.StateBase class instead of from

   -internal Makes all exposed types internal instead of public

     -custom <key>=<value> creates a custom key/value pair.
             Custom key/values are transmitted as is to source code generators
             for them to decide to ignore them or interpret them as they want.

Only the -file argument is mandatory, all others are optional.

  • If the -name argument is provided, it overrides the name of the state machine set in the graph file.
  • If the -statebase argument is provided, it tells the generator that you do not want an intermediate state class for each states of the state machine.

All the default values are set to what people should need in most of cases, so that allows you to simply drag and drop you graph file on the tool executable to get your code generated.

Maybe only the -ns parameter can be a problem, because in most cases, you want a namespace, but it is impossible for the tool to guess the good default value for you. If like me you feel lazy, you can patch the code to force the -ns value to what you want so you can still get the code you want with a simple drag and drop.


JavaScript runtime

At the end of the stateManager.js file, remove the module.exports = fsm; statement if you run the code in a browser or embedded JavaScript engine. Keep the code as is if you run it in NodeJS.

A sample is provided in the folder Runtime/JavaScript/Tester and can be run with NodeJS with the following command:

> node app.js


The namespace of the JavaScript runtime is fsm, and there is only an ACTION_RESULT_TYPE enum and the StateManager class.

In the JavaScript runtime, there is no base classes such as Token or StateBase, so the way to describe a token is to create an object with a number member named id and a string member named name.

let stateToken1 = { id: 3, name: 'My State' }; // state token
let actionToken1 = { id: 51, name: 'My Action' }; // action token

You can use helper functions such as fsm.StateManager.nextId() to get the next unique identifier.

let stateToken2 = { id: fsm.StateManager.nextId(), name: 'Another State' };

Or you can even directly create a token using the fsm.StateManager.makeToken() helper function.

let stateToken3 = fsm.StateManager.makeToken('Yet Another State');
let actionToken2 = fsm.StateManager.makeToken('Yet Another Action');

The latter is recommended because you should not try to control the value of the id by yourself, it is for state machine internal usage only.


A state in the JavaScript runtime is represented by an object that contains at least a token member set with a value that matches the token requirement explained in the section above.

Then you can add an onInitialize function that will be called when the state is registered in a state machine and is ready to be used. There are also the onEnter and onExit functions that are called when the state gets activate or inactive.

The remaining functions you may need are injected into the state by the state manager when it is registered to it.

Action handlers

In an action handler function of a state where you receive the data and the decision callback, you can call the decision callback by either providing it the state token of the next state to transition to, or the state token and a new custom data to be provided to the next state.

Let's see with simple examples:

onNext: function (data, cb) {

The way the callback is used means the state machine transition to the UPDATE state. The fact you do not provide data does not mean null or undefined is passed, it means the given custom data is passed through to the next state automatically.

onNext: function (data, cb) {
    cb(StateTokens.UPDATE, 51);

The way the callback is used in this case means the state machine transition to the UPDATE state, and the new 51 custom data (numeric value) is given to the next state.

If you have no data to provide but you do not want the previous custom data to flow through, then you have to explicitly pass null or undefined, like this:

onNext: function (data, cb) {
    cb(StateTokens.UPDATE, null);

C++ runtime

Action handlers

For language reason, the C++ runtime cannot delay state transition decision. The transition to the next state must be decided in the action handler.

Generate C++ code

When generating C++ code with the code generation tool, you need to provide custom arguments via the -custom option:

  • ProjectRelativePathPrefix: This is a relative path prefixed to all #include statements generated to find the state machine runtime headers.
  • GeneratedCodeRelativePathPrefix: This is a relative path prefixed to all #include statements generated to find generated header files.

You can also provide an optional custom option StateMachineRelativePathPrefix if you want to prefix include of the state machine header files.

If it is not clear to you which values to path, have a try something that sounds pertinent to you, run the tool and see what's produced, and then adjust accordingly and retry.

Example of usage of the -custom option

<tool> ... \
    -custom ProjectRelativePathPrefix=MyProject/XxxStateMachine \
    -custom GeneratedCodeRelativePathPrefix=MyProject/XxxStateMachine/Generated