Meandering Code


Meandering Code is a Google Dev-Art Project about my meandrous wanderings in computational craft. It's about my obessions with code, handicraft and the decorative arts. And it's an actual labyrinth made of machine-embroidered fabric.


This is a meandering meander. A meander of the 2nd degree. A handcrafted fractal gem. A generative secret is hidden inside this pattern, and I want to track it down and bring it to the light of day as part of this project!

Example Image

This video shows a craftimation based on my earlier explorations in computational craft.

It's based on Processing code that is rotting away on my hard drive, and I'll take this as an opportunity to releasee it and carefully craft it into this project. This Muybridge Horse video will repeat in a loop in the background as my coding soundtrack for the next 5 days... (As if life wasn't hard enough already)

May Ariadne - the goddess of computational craft - show me the way through this labyrinth of code, APIs, and tools!

Project Blog

  1. Into the Labyrinth
  2. Inspirations
  3. Fractal Meander
  4. Outlook
  5. Work in Progress ...