
Driver for DW1000

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Libdw1000 CI

Open source driver implementation for the Decawave DW1000 UWB radio chip

This driver is mainly a port of the Arduino DW1000 driver. As such is is licensed under the same license, Apache2.



All functions of the lib takes a dwDevice_t * as first argument. The struct contains the state of the driver, and the purpose is to enable the driver could be used to control more than one dw1000 radio in the same system.

Example of libdw initialization:

dwDevice_t dwm_device;
dwDevice_t *dwm = &dwm_device;

// (...)

printf("TEST\t: Initialize DWM1000 ... ");
dwInit(dwm, &dwOps);       // Init libdw
result = dwConfigure(dwm); // Configure the dw1000 chip
if (result == 0) {
} else {
  printf("[ERROR]: %s\r\n", dwStrError(result));
  selftestPasses = false;

// (...)

dwTime_t delay = {.full = ANTENNA_DELAY/2};
dwSetAntenaDelay(dwm, delay);

dwAttachSentHandler(dwm, txcallback);
dwAttachReceivedHandler(dwm, rxcallback);

dwSetChannel(dwm, CHANNEL_2);
dwSetPreambleCode(dwm, PREAMBLE_CODE_64MHZ_9);


The txcallback and rxcallback function are defined that way:

void txcallback(dwDevice_t *dev);
void rxcallback(dwDevice_t *dev);

They are called when a packet has been received or sent.


The driver is platform independent and so you need to provide platform-specific function. This is done by instanciating a dwOps_t structure:

 * DW operation type. Constains function pointer to all hardware-dependent
 * operation required to access the DW1000 device.
typedef struct dwOps_s {
   * Function that activates the chip-select, sends header, read data and
   * disable the chip-select.
  void (*spiRead)(dwDevice_t* dev, const void *header, size_t headerLength,
                                   void* data, size_t dataLength);

   * Function that activates the chip-select, sends header, sends data and
   * disable the chip-select.
  void (*spiWrite)(dwDevice_t* dev, const void *header, size_t headerLength,
                                    const void* data, size_t dataLength);

   * Sets the SPI bus speed. Take as argument:
   *   - dwSpiSpeedLow: <= 4MHz
   *   - dwSpiSpeedHigh: <= 20MHz
  void (*spiSetSpeed)(dwDevice_t* dev, dwSpiSpeed_t speed);

   * Waits at least 'delay' miliseconds.
  void (*delayms)(dwDevice_t* dev, unsigned int delay);

   * Resets the DW1000 by pulling the reset pin low and then releasing it.
   * This function is optional, if not set softreset via SPI will be used.
   void (*reset)(dwDevice_t *dev);
} dwOps_t;

Send and receive

To send a packet:

dwSetData(dev, (uint8_t*)&txPacket, MAC802154_HEADER_LENGTH+2);


To receive a packet:


To put the radio in IDLE mode (cancel current send/receive)




Frameworks for unit testing are pulled in as git submodules. To get them when cloning

git clone --recursive https://github.com/bitcraze/lps-node-firmware.git

or if you already have a cloned repo and want the submodules

git submodule init        
git submodule update        

The testing framework uses ruby and rake to generate and run code.

To minimize the need for installations and configuration, use the docker builder image (bitcraze/builder) that contains all tools needed. All scripts in the tools/build directory are intended to be run in the image. You may use the utility script tools/do to start the docker container. For instance

    tools/do build

Running unit tests

With the environment set up locally


with the docker builder image

    tools/do test


Go to the contribute page on our website to learn more.

Test code for contribution

Run the automated build locally to test your code
