- go to https://thegraph.com/
- signup/login with your metamask account
- there will be a dropdown icon on top right corner beside your address. click on it and click on subgraphs. it will redirect you to new page and click on create Subgraph button
- it will ask to enter name of your subgraph
- it will redirect you to new page
- then have to run few commands
npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli ( they can also do yarn add )
graph init --contract-name <name of token contract> --index-events --product subgraph-studio --from-contract <contract address>
after running the above command it show some options and choose them according - then go into your subgraph dir and open the file schema.graphql and update it with below code
type TokenHolder @entity {
"Address of this TokenHolder"
id: ID!
"Delegate entity that this TokenHolder has delegated their vote weight to"
delegate: Delegate
"Number of tokens this TokenHolder has"
tokenBalance: BigDecimal!
type Delegate @entity {
"Address of this Delegate"
id: ID!
"Number of votes (token weights) delegated to this Delegate"
delegatedVotes: BigDecimal!
"Number of TokenHolders that have delegated their votes (token weights) to this Delegate"
numDelegators: Int!
"List of this Delegate's represented TokenHolders"
Delegators: [TokenHolder!]! @derivedFrom(field: "delegate")
then in terminal run->
graph codegen && graph build
graph auth --studio
(enter the deploy key when prompted) -
graph deploy --studio <name of the graph>
(enter the version when prompted)