
A library to evaluate TREC-like runs with TREC-like qrels. Implements similarity of rankings, ttest between runs etc…

Primary LanguagePython


A (tiny) library to evaluate TREC-like runs by using TREC-like qrels. Implements Kendall's tau similarity of rankings, t-test between runs etc… In particular, (for the moment) the implemented metrics are: Average Precision (AP), Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG), Precision, Recall, Precision@k. All the functions implementing metrics are contained in the module pytrec_eval.metrics.

Loading Data

  • Use the class TrecRun to load a TREC-run from a file

run = pytrec_eval.TrecRun(<fileName>)

  • you can also use loadAll to load all TREC-runs contained in a list of file names.

runs = pytrec_eval.loadAll(['run1', 'run2', 'run3'])

  • use the class QRels to load the qrels from a file

qrels = pytrec_eval.QRels(<fileName>)


  • Use evaluate (resp., evaluateAll) to evaluate a run (resp., list of runs)

pytrec_eval.evaluate(run, qrels, metrics)

where metrics can be either a list of functions computing some metrics, for example, [pytrec_eval.avgPrec, pytrec_eval.ndcg] or a dictionary mapping metrics names to the function that computes the metrics, for example, { 'MAP' : pytrec_eval.avgPrec, 'NDCG' : pytrec_eval.ndcg }.

  • It is possible to compute the ranking of a list of runs by using pytrec_eval.rankRuns as follows:

ranking = pytrec_eval(<list of TrecRuns>, qrels, measure)

where measure is a function that computes some metrics. A ranking is a list of pairs (TrecRun, score) ordered by decreasing score.

Statistical Tools

  • pytrec_eval features a function that computes the Student's t-test between a run and a list of other runs, for example,

pValues = pytrec_eval.ttest(run0, [run1, run2], qrels, pytrec_eval.ndcg)

returns a dictionary mapping the name of run1 to the p-value obtained by comparing the NDCG score of run1 to the NDCG score of run0, and the name of run2 to the p-value obtained by comparing the NDCG score of run2 to the NDCG score of run0.

  • Given two rankings it is possible to compute the Kendall's tau correlation between them as follows:

tau = pytrec_eval.rankSimilarity(ranking0, ranking1)

where ranking0 and ranking1 are lists of pairs (TrecRun, score) ordered by decreasing score.

For more functions/details, please check the documentation strings in the Python source code.
