
:no_entry: [DEPRECATED] Active work continues at https://github.com/bitdust-io/p2p-app

Primary LanguageJava


This project is deprecated, work continues in this repository: BitDust p2p-app

BitDust for Android

This repo contains all required scripts and configs to build BitDust application for Android Platform.

We only target devices running the latest Android API 21 version at the moment.

Prepare application folders

First you must clone BitDust Engine and BitDust UI repositories to your local machine next to the current repository folder. BitDust Android APK bundle will include files from both sources:

git clone https://github.com/bitdust-io/public.git bitdust
git clone --single-branch --branch gh-pages --depth=1 https://github.com/bitdust-io/ui.git bitdust.ui

Now clone BitDust Android repository in same folder and create sym-links to other repositories:

git clone https://github.com/bitdust-io/android.git bitdust.android
cd bitdust.android/src/
ln -s ../../bitdust bitdust
ln -s ../../bitdust.ui www
cd ..

Install dependencies

Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop

make install_dependencies_ubuntu

MacOS Mojave

(most probably not working at the moment)

make install_dependencies_macos

Install Buildozer

make install_buildozer

Install python-for-android

make install_p4a

Prepare keystore

To be able to publish BitDust on Google Play Market .APK file must be digitaly signed.

First create a keystore file:

mkdir ~/keystores/
keytool -genkey -v -keystore ~/keystores/bitdust.keystore -alias bitdust -keyalg RSA -keysize 4096 -validity 60000

Make sure you have backup copy of the bitdust.keystore file and the keystore password!

Now you need to get from Google Play Console "Encryption Key" which you will use to prepare output.zip file.

You need to do that only one time - the output.zip file must be uploaded back to Google.

This way Google will be able to verify the .APK file you built before publish it on the Play Market:

java -jar pepk.jar --keystore=~/keystores/bitdust.keystore --alias=bitdust --encryptionkey=<Encryption Key> --include-cert --output=output.zip

Make sure BitDust Engine and UI repositories are up to date

make update_engine_repo
make update_ui_repo

Build APK image

Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop

./release_ubuntu.sh 1.0.5

MacOS Mojave

./release_macos.sh 1.0.5

Connect and run on Android device

Enable "Developer Mode" on your Android device: https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options

Open another terminal window and run this to be able to catch Python logs from your Android:

cd bitdust.android
make logcat

Now connect your device with USB cable and install APK file you just created.

Switch back to previous terminal window and run:

make test_apk

On your device find "BitDust" application and start it.

You will see a lot of output in another terminal window and will be able to monitor running application.


Now you can upload file bitdust.android/bin/BitDustAndroid.apk to Google Play Console.